Thursday, October 28, 2010

An Open Letter to Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy

The following letter was a quarter-page letter/ad in the Garden City Newspaper, paid for J. Coster.  We were given permission to post it on our blog.


Because of your "Yes" vote for the "Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi Health Care Bill", you have shown yourself as NOT being representative of what the voters of Garden City and Mineola want this country to be.

The people of Garden City and Mineola yearn for a smaller government...a less obtrusive government. (They certainly do not favor the one that you have helped to nurture in the past, nor the one that you are currently putting forth today)

Because of your voting record, America has become burdened with an unsustainable debt, and an overly complex bureaucracy...both of which have grown to unmanageable proportions. You must bear some of the responsibility for bringing this about. You should have spoken up. You never did.

So...given that you have betrayed your constituents, given that you have never spoke up for them, and given that the voters of Garden City and Mineola have a long memory, it is my humble opinion that you will be replaced this election day with a representative, who unlike yourself, will listen to his supporters, cast his votes accordingly, and speak up on their behalf.
J. Coster



  1. I live in Roslyn Heights, Town of North Hempstead and I am in total agreement with J. Coster. I called Ms. McCarthy's office many times before the healthcare vote asking her to reconsider her yes vote on Obamacare and it landed on deaf ears. I also pleaded for a town hall meeting but was always told none were scheduled. Taxes in Nassau county are out of control because of the out of control spending by our elected officials. Well my voice will be heard on November 2nd along with my husband and 2 adult children. 4 votes for Fran Becker and 4 votes against the Obama, Pelosi, Reid,McCarthy agenda!

  2. I live in the village of floral Park and have also sent emails and letters to Rep. McCarthy numerous time.

    She advised me that KSM trial would be quite safe in NYC becuase Holder told her so.

    She endorsed the third rail here in Floral Park which all residents didn't want.

    She voted for Obamacare and that will increase all of our taxes. And above all in 2014 when we sell our homes or other realestate, we will have to pay almost 4% tax on the sale to pay for Obamacare.

    She is a rubber stamp for Obama, Ried and Pelosi.

    Vote her out.
