Saturday, September 4, 2010

Becker Speaks About Experience

Lynbrook, New York, September 3, 2010- Fran Becker, the endorsed Republican candidate and nominated candidate for the Conservative, Independence, and Tax Revolt parties, spoke about his experiences as a small business owner, a person of public service and his proven record on the Nassau County Legislature on Tuesday night. 

The League of Women Voters sponsored a debate Tuesday night between the three Republican candidates looking to win the chance to dethrone incumbent Carolyn McCarthy.

Becker, who proclaimed himself a man of faith, owns a financial planning business in Lynbrook and has experienced the struggles of owning a business and creating jobs. He said, "I know the struggles of working to make a payroll and I know what it takes to own and operate a small business."
As a certified financial planner, Becker works to help people manage their future. He said, "I work with people each and every day, in Nassau County, to understand their struggles and concerns, and help them to map out a financial future."

Aside from being a business owner, Becker spoke of his life as a person of public service. Becker informed the audience of his public service involvement with organizations such as Long Island Association, Lynbrook Republican Club, Elks Lodge, Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of Peace Church, St. Raymond's Church, Chamber of Commerce, List.Net, and many others. Becker said, "In these organizations I listen to the struggles of business owners."

Becker has also served on the Nassau County Legislature. During his time on the Legislature, Becker said he has spent time "understanding and helping residents and their families, each and every day, solve the problems and concerns that they have, as well as, cutting the red tape for businesses."

To close the debate, Becker summed up "I'm the only Conservative and Republican on this panel that has talked the talk and walked the walk." He continued, "I am the only candidate with a proven record, who has fought for the taxpayers and businesses of this county."

Becker is the only candidate in the Republican Primary who is guaranteed to be on the ballot in November with the Conservative, Independence and Tax Revolt party lines. It will take all of these, plus, the Republican line on the ballot to win in November against Carolyn McCarthy. If the Republican Primary vote were to go to Frank Scaturro or Dan Maloney, the vote in November would be split ensuring another McCarthy victory. "Every vote will be needed to beat Carolyn McCarthy," he said. "I'm battle tested and will go to Washington and tell Nancy Pelosi, no!"

Through his experiences, Becker has developed a Five-Point Plan to create jobs and restore the American Dream. The Five-Point Plan is as follows:
1. Reduce Spending to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing. This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called "stimulus programs" that create nothing sustainable.

2. Cut Taxes for New Businesses 2-5 years-old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation's engine of economic growth.

3. Extend Tax Cuts Set To Expire December 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.

4. Repeal Obamacare Tax Increases on insurances companies, businesses and individuals. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new hire.

5. Free Us From Foreign Energy Dependence by adopting an "all of the above" energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.

Fran Becker is the Repubican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.

For more information, visit

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