Congresswoman for New York’s Fourth Congressional District Carolyn McCarthy received an F from the national security organization, Keeping America Safe.
Keeping America Safe stated, “McCarthy’s grade of F is based on a comprehensive study undertaken by the group, which analyzed every significant national security vote cast by Rep. McCarthy since 2001. McCarthy’s failing grade is rooted in her multiple votes to transfer terrorist detainees, currently housed at the naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to U.S. soil, thereby granting them additional Constitutional rights and hindering intelligence gathering. McCarthy further cast a vote in opposition to placing Guantanamo detainees on the no-fly list.”
They continued, “Each member’s score is an indicator of whether he or she supports unapologetic and strong policies in the war on terror, victory in the wars this country fights, and the strong American military needed in the dangerous world in which we live.”
Becker states, “This goes to show just how out of touch Ms. McCarthy is, not only in the district, but with the rest of the American people. If I’m elected this Tuesday, I will work tirelessly to protect our borders.”
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Becker Gains Momentum for Final Weekend
With the election only three days away, momentum, enthusiasm, and determination continue to push Fran Becker and his campaign team toward the finish line.
Complimenting an impressive ground game, Becker has seen increasing support from the national GOP. Friday, Republican Whip Eric Cantor (VA-7) came to the Five Towns in New York to hold a Town Hall Meeting for high school students at Temple Hillel. Along with Rep. Cantor, Becker has also received the support of Minority Leader Boehner (R-OH), NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions(R-TX), Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), Senator Dr. Coburn, Rep. Peter King (R-NY), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), and Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA), former Senator Rick Santorum, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, and former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton.
Becker states, “I am blessed to have the support of such prominent elected officials. The support of these statesmen helps fuel the efforts of this grassroots campaign. The support I have received from all ends is incredible. I believe on November 2nd the American people will be heard. “
The race to unseat ultra-liberal incumbent Carolyn McCarthy has also received national attention in the media. Through great interviews, Becker has received the support of Sean Hannity, Bill Bennett, Steve Malzberg, Bob Grant, and John Gambling. Renowned political pundit and columnist Dick Morris has also highlighted the reality of an upset in New York’s Fourth District.
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Complimenting an impressive ground game, Becker has seen increasing support from the national GOP. Friday, Republican Whip Eric Cantor (VA-7) came to the Five Towns in New York to hold a Town Hall Meeting for high school students at Temple Hillel. Along with Rep. Cantor, Becker has also received the support of Minority Leader Boehner (R-OH), NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions(R-TX), Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), Senator Dr. Coburn, Rep. Peter King (R-NY), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), and Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA), former Senator Rick Santorum, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, and former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton.
Becker states, “I am blessed to have the support of such prominent elected officials. The support of these statesmen helps fuel the efforts of this grassroots campaign. The support I have received from all ends is incredible. I believe on November 2nd the American people will be heard. “
The race to unseat ultra-liberal incumbent Carolyn McCarthy has also received national attention in the media. Through great interviews, Becker has received the support of Sean Hannity, Bill Bennett, Steve Malzberg, Bob Grant, and John Gambling. Renowned political pundit and columnist Dick Morris has also highlighted the reality of an upset in New York’s Fourth District.
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Friday, October 29, 2010
Letter to the Editor by Dennis Duffy, Lynbrook
Printed in the Lynbrook Herald 10/29
Dear Editor:
In its endorsement of Carolyn McCarthy the HERALD says that a challenger must have a plan and an implementation strategy and convince the voters that he will do a better job.
Fran Becker meets and exceeds all three criteria. His well published plan is to reduce spending, extend the otherwise expiring income tax cuts, pass new tax cuts for new businesses, to repeal Obamacare, and develop domestic energy including nuclear in an environmentally safe way to make the US energy independent. All five of these steps will help create the jobs we desperately need. His implementation strategy is that the majority of voters now know that taxes, spending, and hope don't solve economic problems and that in November they will elect enough representatives and Senators of like mind to start moving us in the right direction.
Very truly yours,
Dennis Duffy
Lynbrook, New York 11563
Dear Editor:
In its endorsement of Carolyn McCarthy the HERALD says that a challenger must have a plan and an implementation strategy and convince the voters that he will do a better job.
Fran Becker meets and exceeds all three criteria. His well published plan is to reduce spending, extend the otherwise expiring income tax cuts, pass new tax cuts for new businesses, to repeal Obamacare, and develop domestic energy including nuclear in an environmentally safe way to make the US energy independent. All five of these steps will help create the jobs we desperately need. His implementation strategy is that the majority of voters now know that taxes, spending, and hope don't solve economic problems and that in November they will elect enough representatives and Senators of like mind to start moving us in the right direction.
Very truly yours,
Dennis Duffy
Lynbrook, New York 11563
Thursday, October 28, 2010
An Open Letter to Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy
The following letter was a quarter-page letter/ad in the Garden City Newspaper, paid for J. Coster. We were given permission to post it on our blog.
Because of your "Yes" vote for the "Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi Health Care Bill", you have shown yourself as NOT being representative of what the voters of Garden City and Mineola want this country to be.
The people of Garden City and Mineola yearn for a smaller government...a less obtrusive government. (They certainly do not favor the one that you have helped to nurture in the past, nor the one that you are currently putting forth today)
Because of your voting record, America has become burdened with an unsustainable debt, and an overly complex bureaucracy...both of which have grown to unmanageable proportions. You must bear some of the responsibility for bringing this about. You should have spoken up. You never did.
So...given that you have betrayed your constituents, given that you have never spoke up for them, and given that the voters of Garden City and Mineola have a long memory, it is my humble opinion that you will be replaced this election day with a representative, who unlike yourself, will listen to his supporters, cast his votes accordingly, and speak up on their behalf.
J. Coster
Because of your "Yes" vote for the "Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi Health Care Bill", you have shown yourself as NOT being representative of what the voters of Garden City and Mineola want this country to be.
The people of Garden City and Mineola yearn for a smaller government...a less obtrusive government. (They certainly do not favor the one that you have helped to nurture in the past, nor the one that you are currently putting forth today)
Because of your voting record, America has become burdened with an unsustainable debt, and an overly complex bureaucracy...both of which have grown to unmanageable proportions. You must bear some of the responsibility for bringing this about. You should have spoken up. You never did.
So...given that you have betrayed your constituents, given that you have never spoke up for them, and given that the voters of Garden City and Mineola have a long memory, it is my humble opinion that you will be replaced this election day with a representative, who unlike yourself, will listen to his supporters, cast his votes accordingly, and speak up on their behalf.
J. Coster
Monday, October 25, 2010
It's Time for McCarthy to Go--Letter to the Editor by Tony Iovino, RVC
Printed in the RVC Herald:
It’s time for McCarthy to go
To the Editor:
My mother, a bank teller, was murdered during a robbery. For years I have strongly supported reasonable gun control measures, and I supported Carolyn McCarthy in her initial run for Congress.
It’s time for McCarthy to go.
In her 14 years in Congress she has failed to obtain progress on her principal issue. More than that, she has failed to represent our district.
She is a nurse, but her voice was unheard in the health care debate (for or against).
Our district is incredibly dependent on the financial services industry, especially Wall Street. Yet her voice was unheard on financial regulation (for or against).
Because of inflated incomes, and expenses, here on Long Island, most families earn more than $100,000 in combined incomes. Yet McCarthy never fights to adjust limits on things like the deductibility of college tuition, qualifications for tax rebates, etc. And now she wants to do away with the tax cuts — a move that will hurt our district more than almost any other in the country. I doubt she has considered the impact of the tax increases on restaurants, the personal services industry — or the workers in those industries — when billions of dollars leave Long Island for Washington.
There is a long list of key topics affecting Long Islanders that McCarthy is silent on: jobs, Israel, national security, the environment, transportation, trade. She is a leader on no issue other than gun control — and there she has failed miserably, even with a Democratic Congress and president.
Carolyn McCarthy gets the overwhelming amount of her campaign contributions from outside the district and from political action committees. She almost always votes with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, often against our interests. Our district deserves a leader — one who is interested in our needs, not San Francisco’s.
Fran Becker is a certified public planner and an experienced legislator. He’ll stand shoulder to shoulder with Peter King on topics important to Long Island. That’s why I support Fran Becker this year.
Tony Iovino
Rockville Centre
It’s time for McCarthy to go
To the Editor:
My mother, a bank teller, was murdered during a robbery. For years I have strongly supported reasonable gun control measures, and I supported Carolyn McCarthy in her initial run for Congress.
It’s time for McCarthy to go.
In her 14 years in Congress she has failed to obtain progress on her principal issue. More than that, she has failed to represent our district.
She is a nurse, but her voice was unheard in the health care debate (for or against).
Our district is incredibly dependent on the financial services industry, especially Wall Street. Yet her voice was unheard on financial regulation (for or against).
Because of inflated incomes, and expenses, here on Long Island, most families earn more than $100,000 in combined incomes. Yet McCarthy never fights to adjust limits on things like the deductibility of college tuition, qualifications for tax rebates, etc. And now she wants to do away with the tax cuts — a move that will hurt our district more than almost any other in the country. I doubt she has considered the impact of the tax increases on restaurants, the personal services industry — or the workers in those industries — when billions of dollars leave Long Island for Washington.
There is a long list of key topics affecting Long Islanders that McCarthy is silent on: jobs, Israel, national security, the environment, transportation, trade. She is a leader on no issue other than gun control — and there she has failed miserably, even with a Democratic Congress and president.
Carolyn McCarthy gets the overwhelming amount of her campaign contributions from outside the district and from political action committees. She almost always votes with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, often against our interests. Our district deserves a leader — one who is interested in our needs, not San Francisco’s.
Fran Becker is a certified public planner and an experienced legislator. He’ll stand shoulder to shoulder with Peter King on topics important to Long Island. That’s why I support Fran Becker this year.
Tony Iovino
Rockville Centre
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Endorsement of McCarthy is 'Laughable'--Letter to the Editor by Christian Browne
Endorsement of McCarthy is ‘laughable’
With all due respect to my friends at the Herald, your endorsement last week of Carolyn McCarthy for Congress is simply laughable. You laud her because she “knows how things work in the House of Representatives” and because she has touched such political third rails as “childhood obesity” and “cyber-bullying.”
Yet you mention not at all the only relevant issue in this year’s election: McCarthy’s record over the past two years. She voted for the failed stimulus bill and for other huge, special interest-driven spending measures that have left us with 9.6 percent unemployment and a record $1.3 trillion federal deficit. She voted for Obamacare and is part of the majority that left Washington without passing a federal budget or dealing with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. And you can be sure that, if re-elected, she will vote to raise taxes on the so-called “rich,” slamming a disproportionate number of families and businesses in Nassau County with tremendous new costs.
This is McCarthy’s record — and if the Herald and voters like the results and wish to return a cog in the great tax-and-spend liberal machine to Washington, vote for her. But if you wish to repudiate these failed and dangerous policies, vote for Fran Becker. Fran is a local elected official and small businessman who will stand against the Obama/Pelosi/McCarthy agenda. He will vote to cut federal spending, extend the Bush tax cuts for all and to repeal and replace Obamacare.
So much is at stake in this mid-term election. I urge voters of all parties who wish to see the nation change course to join me in supporting Fran Becker for Congress. Please vote on Election Day, Nov. 2.
Christian Browne
Rockville Centre
Printed in RVC Herald:,28276?page=3&content_source=
With all due respect to my friends at the Herald, your endorsement last week of Carolyn McCarthy for Congress is simply laughable. You laud her because she “knows how things work in the House of Representatives” and because she has touched such political third rails as “childhood obesity” and “cyber-bullying.”
Yet you mention not at all the only relevant issue in this year’s election: McCarthy’s record over the past two years. She voted for the failed stimulus bill and for other huge, special interest-driven spending measures that have left us with 9.6 percent unemployment and a record $1.3 trillion federal deficit. She voted for Obamacare and is part of the majority that left Washington without passing a federal budget or dealing with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. And you can be sure that, if re-elected, she will vote to raise taxes on the so-called “rich,” slamming a disproportionate number of families and businesses in Nassau County with tremendous new costs.
This is McCarthy’s record — and if the Herald and voters like the results and wish to return a cog in the great tax-and-spend liberal machine to Washington, vote for her. But if you wish to repudiate these failed and dangerous policies, vote for Fran Becker. Fran is a local elected official and small businessman who will stand against the Obama/Pelosi/McCarthy agenda. He will vote to cut federal spending, extend the Bush tax cuts for all and to repeal and replace Obamacare.
So much is at stake in this mid-term election. I urge voters of all parties who wish to see the nation change course to join me in supporting Fran Becker for Congress. Please vote on Election Day, Nov. 2.
Christian Browne
Rockville Centre
Printed in RVC Herald:,28276?page=3&content_source=
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Letter to the Editor from David Mainland, West Hempstead
Printed in the Three Village Times:
Is it time for change in Washington? Change has become a dirty word since the President ran on ‘change’ and gave us something radically different. He, along with his Democratic majority in both houses, has given us numerous stimulus packages, the end of healthcare as we know it, and bailouts to bankrupt corporations despite the fact that a clear majority of Americans are against those actions. Forget change; we need something different out of Washington; we need someone new representing us in Washington.
I think it is time we sent Fran Becker, a fiscal conservative, to congress to help put an end to the ruling Democratic voting block and to restore a level of checks and balances in congress. The incumbent for the 4th Congressional District, Carolyn McCarthy, is a member-in-good-standing of the current ruling class and voted for the entire Obama agenda. If she is re-elected she will continue to do so. Remember, she voted for major legislation (the first stimulus and healthcare) without even reading the bills.
Sending new people like Fran Becker to Washington will at least give us a fighting chance to return to fiscal sanity and limited government. Returning the incumbent will result in more of the same. Remember, if you keep doing what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got!
David Mainland
West Hempstead
Is it time for change in Washington? Change has become a dirty word since the President ran on ‘change’ and gave us something radically different. He, along with his Democratic majority in both houses, has given us numerous stimulus packages, the end of healthcare as we know it, and bailouts to bankrupt corporations despite the fact that a clear majority of Americans are against those actions. Forget change; we need something different out of Washington; we need someone new representing us in Washington.
I think it is time we sent Fran Becker, a fiscal conservative, to congress to help put an end to the ruling Democratic voting block and to restore a level of checks and balances in congress. The incumbent for the 4th Congressional District, Carolyn McCarthy, is a member-in-good-standing of the current ruling class and voted for the entire Obama agenda. If she is re-elected she will continue to do so. Remember, she voted for major legislation (the first stimulus and healthcare) without even reading the bills.
Sending new people like Fran Becker to Washington will at least give us a fighting chance to return to fiscal sanity and limited government. Returning the incumbent will result in more of the same. Remember, if you keep doing what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got!
David Mainland
West Hempstead
Friday, October 15, 2010
"Our" Congresswoman, a no-show. Again
After a harrowing debate hosted by News Channel 12 on Thursday, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy, who was visibly defensive and seemingly uncomfortable, has withdrawn herself from a previously scheduled debate with opponent Fran Becker. The debate was set for Monday, October 18th at the Franklin Square Public Library.
Becker states, “The people of the Fourth District deserve the chance to hear ‘our’ Congresswoman explain her voting record.”
The News Channel 12 debate was filmed Thursday, October 14th and can be viewed on
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Becker states, “The people of the Fourth District deserve the chance to hear ‘our’ Congresswoman explain her voting record.”
The News Channel 12 debate was filmed Thursday, October 14th and can be viewed on
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Becker is a "Contender"
Fran Becker has moved to “Contender” status, the second step in the National Republican Congressional Committee’s (NRCC) Young Guns program. NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX) said, “Fran is part of a strong pool of candidates who are frustrated with the Democrat majority’s big-government ways and aren’t willing to stand by any longer. The success of his campaign has put partisan incumbent Carolyn McCarthy on notice that New Yorkers are ready to turn the page on an agenda that spends too much, borrows too much and taxes too much.”
Becker, who represents the Republican, Conservative, Independence, and Tax Revolt lines, is tired of the incompetence in Washington and the misrepresentation of New York’s 4th Congressional District. He states, “McCarthy has voted for Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda 97 percent of the time. This district needs a representative who will stand up to the radical liberal tax and spend agenda of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, which is killing jobs instead of creating them.” Becker continues, “I am a fiscal Conservative and have solutions that will return our country to fiscal sanity and stop the current policies that are bankrupting our nation!”
Professionally, Becker is a Certified Financial Planner and owns Becker & Associates Planning Services. Becker states, “As a Certified Financial Planner, I help people plan responsible financial futures. One of the main principles of financial planning is you can’t spend money that you don’t have.” He continues, “If elected, I will use my experience to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington.”
Becker has a clear vision and plan that will help our country overcome its economic malaise. His Five Point Plan is as follows:
1. Reduce Spending to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing. This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called "stimulus programs" that create nothing sustainable.
2. Cut Taxes for New Businesses 2-5 years old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation's engine of economic growth.
3. Extend The Tax Cuts Set To Expire December 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. Repeal Obamacare Tax Increases on insurance companies, businesses and individuals. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new hire.
5. Free Us From Foreign Energy Dependence by adopting an "all of the above" energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Becker, who represents the Republican, Conservative, Independence, and Tax Revolt lines, is tired of the incompetence in Washington and the misrepresentation of New York’s 4th Congressional District. He states, “McCarthy has voted for Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda 97 percent of the time. This district needs a representative who will stand up to the radical liberal tax and spend agenda of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, which is killing jobs instead of creating them.” Becker continues, “I am a fiscal Conservative and have solutions that will return our country to fiscal sanity and stop the current policies that are bankrupting our nation!”
Professionally, Becker is a Certified Financial Planner and owns Becker & Associates Planning Services. Becker states, “As a Certified Financial Planner, I help people plan responsible financial futures. One of the main principles of financial planning is you can’t spend money that you don’t have.” He continues, “If elected, I will use my experience to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington.”
Becker has a clear vision and plan that will help our country overcome its economic malaise. His Five Point Plan is as follows:
1. Reduce Spending to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing. This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called "stimulus programs" that create nothing sustainable.
2. Cut Taxes for New Businesses 2-5 years old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation's engine of economic growth.
3. Extend The Tax Cuts Set To Expire December 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. Repeal Obamacare Tax Increases on insurance companies, businesses and individuals. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new hire.
5. Free Us From Foreign Energy Dependence by adopting an "all of the above" energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Letter to the Editor from Peter Johansen, Veteran
Printed in the Three Village Times on October 8th, 2012
Our Salvation – The Ballot Box
I have always answered the call to duty. For thirty years I wore the uniform of a Naval Officer and twice I was mobilized to the Middle East. Now with my military service behind me, I am answering a new call to duty. For the first time in my life I feel compelled to become active in the coming election cycle.
Two years ago the country was sold a bill of goods under the title of Hope and Change. What we got instead was two years of one party rule, exploding deficits, high unemployment, bailouts and a 2,000 page health care bill that most legislators never read before it was voted on. The damage done by this congress and this administration boggles the mind.
Our representative from the 4th Congressional District Carolyn McCarthy has been nothing but a rubber stamp for the congressional democrats, voting with Nancy Pelosi 97% of the time. She has long ago stopped representing her constituents and instead has become an entrenched party hack.
At the time of the health care vote, I wrote emails to her office in opposition to the legislation only to be rewarded with a five page piece of propaganda that only succeeded in wasting more taxpayer money for paper, ink and stamps.
When was the last time that Carolyn McCarthy has had a town hall meeting to defend her votes or listen to her constituents? She has been curiously absent from public view.
In the 4th Congressional District we have the opportunity to send Francis Becker to Washington to represent us in an honorable and sagacious manner. I urge the citizens of our district to support him in every way you can but most importantly by casting your vote for him on election day.
Our country is in deep trouble and I am answering the call. This will now be the 18th time I will vote in a congressional election but it will the first time that I will put my efforts into the process. I will educate my neighbors about the issues, the candidates and the urgency for action. Our greatest enemy is apathy.
Peter Johansen
West Hempstead, NY
Our Salvation – The Ballot Box
I have always answered the call to duty. For thirty years I wore the uniform of a Naval Officer and twice I was mobilized to the Middle East. Now with my military service behind me, I am answering a new call to duty. For the first time in my life I feel compelled to become active in the coming election cycle.
Two years ago the country was sold a bill of goods under the title of Hope and Change. What we got instead was two years of one party rule, exploding deficits, high unemployment, bailouts and a 2,000 page health care bill that most legislators never read before it was voted on. The damage done by this congress and this administration boggles the mind.
Our representative from the 4th Congressional District Carolyn McCarthy has been nothing but a rubber stamp for the congressional democrats, voting with Nancy Pelosi 97% of the time. She has long ago stopped representing her constituents and instead has become an entrenched party hack.
At the time of the health care vote, I wrote emails to her office in opposition to the legislation only to be rewarded with a five page piece of propaganda that only succeeded in wasting more taxpayer money for paper, ink and stamps.
When was the last time that Carolyn McCarthy has had a town hall meeting to defend her votes or listen to her constituents? She has been curiously absent from public view.
In the 4th Congressional District we have the opportunity to send Francis Becker to Washington to represent us in an honorable and sagacious manner. I urge the citizens of our district to support him in every way you can but most importantly by casting your vote for him on election day.
Our country is in deep trouble and I am answering the call. This will now be the 18th time I will vote in a congressional election but it will the first time that I will put my efforts into the process. I will educate my neighbors about the issues, the candidates and the urgency for action. Our greatest enemy is apathy.
Peter Johansen
West Hempstead, NY
Monday, October 11, 2010
Letter to the Editor From Small Business Owner Chris Cadigan, Oceanside
Printed in the Long Island Baldwin Herald
To whom it may concern:
I am voting for Fran Becker not as a Republican or other party affiliate, but as a Dad and a small business owner. For full disclosure, I am a conservative thinker and right leaning. I am a concerned citizen. I am proud of my Country and proud of the opportunities that this Country has afforded me.
I am concerned for our future and for my daughter's future. I want her to have the same opportunities that I have had. At the rate we are going, our children will face record debt and a service based economy subservient to the Chinese.
Mrs. McCarthy stopped serving the 4th Congressional district of NY a long time ago. She ignores her constituents when they call, email, and write letters. She voted for the Cap and Trade bill that went to the floor earlier this year even though Long Islanders get their electric from coal fired facilities. Why? How do you vote in favor of something that hurts the people that put you there?
It is time that we as citizens send public servants to Washington who have practical real-world experience on how to address problems, create jobs, and cut spending. Congress-woman McCarthy isn't the person for the job anymore.
Fran Becker has my vote!
Chris Cadigan
Oceanside, NY
To whom it may concern:
I am voting for Fran Becker not as a Republican or other party affiliate, but as a Dad and a small business owner. For full disclosure, I am a conservative thinker and right leaning. I am a concerned citizen. I am proud of my Country and proud of the opportunities that this Country has afforded me.
I am concerned for our future and for my daughter's future. I want her to have the same opportunities that I have had. At the rate we are going, our children will face record debt and a service based economy subservient to the Chinese.
Mrs. McCarthy stopped serving the 4th Congressional district of NY a long time ago. She ignores her constituents when they call, email, and write letters. She voted for the Cap and Trade bill that went to the floor earlier this year even though Long Islanders get their electric from coal fired facilities. Why? How do you vote in favor of something that hurts the people that put you there?
It is time that we as citizens send public servants to Washington who have practical real-world experience on how to address problems, create jobs, and cut spending. Congress-woman McCarthy isn't the person for the job anymore.
Fran Becker has my vote!
Chris Cadigan
Oceanside, NY
Sunday, October 10, 2010
San Francisco East? No daylight between Congresswoman McCarthy and Speaker Pelosi.
Congresswoman McCarthy has ceded our voice in Congress to Nancy Pelosi. She has voted with Nancy Pelosi 98% of the time. Worse yet, on three legislative issues that are hurting us the most- health care, taxes and the unprecedented waste of a trillion dollars on a failed stimulus bill (more pork, less jobs), she has voted with her 100% of the time. The result? By ceding our voice to Nancy Pelosi she has cost us millions of jobs, suffocated us with debt we cannot possibly pay back, and set us on the path to the destruction of our quality health care.
This is not San Francisco, this is not Nancy Pelosi’s district, and we didn’t vote for her. And Nancy Pelosi is not entitled to TWO votes in the House, and that is what Congresswoman McCarthy has done. Facts are facts, and right now we are sold out lock stock and barrel to the crazy whims of Nancy Pelosi- its wrong and it cannot continue.
Here is a very neat tool that proves we have become a branch office of California’s radical 8th Congressional District –
Consider for a moment, in light of these demonstrable facts about Congresswoman McCarthy’s voting record, how some other Democrats voted. These folks are generally considered to be ‘moderate’ Democrats. Why not take a moment to compare their votes with Congresswoman McCarthys. Lets see if Ms. McCarthy is a moderate Democrat or an extremist Pelosi ‘yes’ vote as we have seen above.
- 31 Democrats signed a letter to Speaker Pelosi urging her to not raise taxes in January, McCarthy does not sign
- 47 Democrats signed a letter to Speaker Pelosi urging her to not raise taxes on capital gains and dividends, McCarthy does not sign
- 39 Democrats voted NO on adjourning Congress without voting to prevent the massive tax increase coming in January, McCarthy provides swing ‘yes’ vote (210-209!)
- 39 Democrats voted NO on Obamacare in the House, McCarthy and Pelosi vote YES
- 43 Democrats voted NO on Cap and Trade, McCarthy and Pelosi vote YES
- 11 Democrats even voted against the Stimulus Bill, McCarthy and Pelosi vote YES
This much should be crystal clear at this point in the campaign, any suggestion that Congresswoman McCarthy is a ‘moderate’ is a gross disservice to the voters- the facts say otherwise. San Francisco East, indeed.
We need our vote, we are entitled to our vote, and we do not have to outsource our representation to Nancy Pelosi and her San Francisco extremists. For when Nancy votes twice, we lose. Come November, each one of us has a chance to tell Nancy Pelosi that we want our House seat back.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Long Island to be slammed by McCarthy/Pelosi tax hike; McCarthy trades her leverage for…NOTHING
This week Fran delivered an exceptional address dealing with the income tax tsunami that’s going to hit Long Island in January. As Fran made clear, Congresswoman McCarthy provided the critical swing vote for Speaker Pelosi to adjourn Congress without addressing the January 1st massive hike in income tax rates. Believe it or not, the vote was 210-209! Had Carolyn stood up for us, and not Speaker Pelosi, they would be in session now finding a way to protect our jobs and our economy. This really was an unbelievably irresponsible vote by Congresswoman McCarthy.
“Carolyn held the fate of our district in her hands” Fran told the crowd, “and she just let go”.
The truth is that Ms. McCarthy knew for the entire year what was coming and did nothing. Neither Carolyn nor her leadership even bothered to write a bill continuing the existing tax rates! Well, now that she is back home she is telling us not to worry, she will take care of it when she gets back to D.C. Really? What power does she have to keep that promise when her leadership is against continuing the existing rates and her party is in turmoil? Well, one thing that would be useful would be some leverage for the 4th CD…
But wait, Ms. McCarthy just gave away the one bit of leverage this district had, her vote to adjourn. Why? Maybe so Speaker Pelosi could help embattled politicians in far away districts get re-elected. If she really cared about this district and our economic well being, she would have told Pelosi NO. Saying you are going to do something, Ms. McCarthy, is not the same as actually doing it. And when you could have stood up for US, you sat down for Pelosi.
No matter what empty promises her campaign circulates about how she wants to vote in the future, the fact is that when she could have acted she did not. And when she goes back for her lame duck term, she will be unable to act. What she actually did by providing that critical swing vote to Pelosi was seal our fate for vastly higher taxes come January. And there is no way to spin that.
What is especially galling about this is there actually are moderate democrats that pleaded with Speaker Pelosi to not raise taxes in a recession- 31 one of them signed a letter to her laying out how devastating it will be for the economy and our jobs. You can read it yourself. If Carolyn was being straight with us, why is her name not on that letter? Is it really too much to ask that she be one of the moderate Democrats that actually walks the walk?
These massive tax increases are going to cause greater job losses and an unacceptable new burden on taxpayers in our district. Even Senator Lieberman said recently, “the surest way for Congress to help bring about a double-dip recession” is to raise rates.
Ms. McCarthy's vote to adjourn was a vote for massive tax hikes on Long Island families. This has to stop; we need an effective and wise advocate for US in Washington, D.C. Fran Becker is that advocate.
"Making a Difference for Long Island Families"
Since Carolyn’s motto is “Making a Difference for Long Island Families” we thought it might be a good idea to see exactly how she herself has made a difference over the last two years on the most important and critical issues. Specifically, how she, with HER vote (our vote that we trusted her with), has impacted us:
• Massive new taxes coming in January
• Millions of jobs lost while the Federal Government squandered almost a TRILLION of our dollars (actually, Carolyn borrowed the money from China, but details details…)
• A radical and destructive health care plan that’s going to give us less care for more money after waiting forever to get it
• Cap and Trade, the job killing tax raising scheme that she voted for and we have to stop
Well, maybe they get credit for being honest, she certainly has made a difference. Now let’s get out there and vote for Fran Becker, who is going to make life for us BETTER and not simply ‘different’.
• Massive new taxes coming in January
• Millions of jobs lost while the Federal Government squandered almost a TRILLION of our dollars (actually, Carolyn borrowed the money from China, but details details…)
• A radical and destructive health care plan that’s going to give us less care for more money after waiting forever to get it
• Cap and Trade, the job killing tax raising scheme that she voted for and we have to stop
Well, maybe they get credit for being honest, she certainly has made a difference. Now let’s get out there and vote for Fran Becker, who is going to make life for us BETTER and not simply ‘different’.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Carolyn Tells Us Why She Is Running; sort of...maybe not
Well it seems that the ever elusive and indeed reclusive Representative from the 4th CD has actually decided to allow the voters some idea of why she is running for an 8th term. The only problem is, she can't seem to make up her mind as to what we want to hear this time around. So very odd that she is not telling us how wonderful her health care disaster is, or how much we are going to enjoy paying for the massive McCarthy income tax hike that’s coming in January. Of course that would require running on her record- and she obviously cannot do that.
So it seems that at the beginning of September Ms. McCarthy's top priorities were abating airplane noise and keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists, as she stated to Garden City Life. By the time October rolled around, we learned from the Rockville Center LI Herald that she views her top priorities as curbing the housing crisis and improving the unemployment outlook.
Well, what a difference a few weeks makes. Either Ms. McCarthy has actually invented silent airplanes and defanged the terrorists single handedly in a couple of weeks, or she is just flailing around from issue to issue in a desperate bid to talk about anything other than her record. Passing strange that she is not talking up Obamacare and tax hikes? We think so.
So it seems that at the beginning of September Ms. McCarthy's top priorities were abating airplane noise and keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists, as she stated to Garden City Life. By the time October rolled around, we learned from the Rockville Center LI Herald that she views her top priorities as curbing the housing crisis and improving the unemployment outlook.
Well, what a difference a few weeks makes. Either Ms. McCarthy has actually invented silent airplanes and defanged the terrorists single handedly in a couple of weeks, or she is just flailing around from issue to issue in a desperate bid to talk about anything other than her record. Passing strange that she is not talking up Obamacare and tax hikes? We think so.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Letter to Carolyn McCarthy from Siobhan Moran, Rockville Centre Resident
October 1, 2010
Hon. Carolyn McCarthy
300 Garden City Plaza
Suite 200
Garden City, New York 11530
Dear Congresswoman McCarthy:
I’ve never met you. But you do represent me and my family, and my friends and neighbors, in Congress. I believe that you’re running for re-election. I say believe because I haven’t received any campaign literature from you and I don’t know your position on virtually any issue of importance. I checked your web site to try to discern your positions on various issues but find no answers. I also wrote to you directly asking about your position on health care legislation and tax issues but only received form letters in response that must have been written by your interns.
Last year I asked you to explain why the healthcare legislation was good for New Yorkers. As you know, New York is a community-rated state that already precludes denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions. In reality, the major impact of the legislation you voted for is to increase Medicaid costs for the State and the County – costs which ultimately get passed on to your constituents. Medicaid already consumes more than 40% of the state budget.
More recently, I wrote to you asking why you are not trying to stop yet more tax increases that are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2011. As you know, here on Long Island we already pay exorbitant property taxes, village taxes, county taxes, state taxes and sales taxes that are the highest in the nation. And let’s not forget all those stealth taxes they slip in on our telephone bills. But again you didn’t answer my question. I did receive one of those nifty form letter responses though. Do you honestly believe that massive tax increases are in the best interests of your constituents in the current economic environment? If so, why? Seems to me to be a straightforward question deserving of a straightforward answer.
I’ve never met Fran Becker, your opponent in the upcoming election, either. But at least his web site explains his positions on various issues so that I can be an informed voter. Your silence on these issues is deafening.
Siobhan E. Moran
Rockville Centre, NY
cc: Fran Becker
Rockville Centre Herald
Reply Reply to all Forward
Hon. Carolyn McCarthy
300 Garden City Plaza
Suite 200
Garden City, New York 11530
Dear Congresswoman McCarthy:
I’ve never met you. But you do represent me and my family, and my friends and neighbors, in Congress. I believe that you’re running for re-election. I say believe because I haven’t received any campaign literature from you and I don’t know your position on virtually any issue of importance. I checked your web site to try to discern your positions on various issues but find no answers. I also wrote to you directly asking about your position on health care legislation and tax issues but only received form letters in response that must have been written by your interns.
Last year I asked you to explain why the healthcare legislation was good for New Yorkers. As you know, New York is a community-rated state that already precludes denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions. In reality, the major impact of the legislation you voted for is to increase Medicaid costs for the State and the County – costs which ultimately get passed on to your constituents. Medicaid already consumes more than 40% of the state budget.
More recently, I wrote to you asking why you are not trying to stop yet more tax increases that are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2011. As you know, here on Long Island we already pay exorbitant property taxes, village taxes, county taxes, state taxes and sales taxes that are the highest in the nation. And let’s not forget all those stealth taxes they slip in on our telephone bills. But again you didn’t answer my question. I did receive one of those nifty form letter responses though. Do you honestly believe that massive tax increases are in the best interests of your constituents in the current economic environment? If so, why? Seems to me to be a straightforward question deserving of a straightforward answer.
I’ve never met Fran Becker, your opponent in the upcoming election, either. But at least his web site explains his positions on various issues so that I can be an informed voter. Your silence on these issues is deafening.
Siobhan E. Moran
Rockville Centre, NY
cc: Fran Becker
Rockville Centre Herald
Reply Reply to all Forward
Friday, October 1, 2010
Letter to the Editor From Don Cariddi, Lynbrook Resident
It is time for real change in Washington and time to have true representation. Carolyn McCarthy has become part of the problem with our dysfunctional Federal Government. She is someone who votes along party lines and with Nancy Pelosi 97% of the time, how can she honestly say she represents her constituents if her voting record is so off balance? In poll after poll her constituents and the country are against amnesty for illegal aliens and yet she votes for the Dream Act, a reward for supposed children up to the age of 35. She has voted against the SAVE Act, a common sense approach to start controlling our illegal immigration problems. Her dismal voting record makes it quite clear she is pro-illegal alien and against legal, tax-paying citizens in her district. On countless occasions I have called her office, requesting the location of her next town hall meeting only to be told she does not have any meetings planned. Well over 100 times I have faxed, called and emailed Carolyn on a variety of issues only to get her usual cookie cutter response which amounts to nothing more than a rejection letter since she will vote along party lines and does not care what any of her constituents believe. So it is time for real change, enough of a non-representative who has been in office 13 years and only knows how to vote with Nancy Pelosi while ignoring the majority of her constituents. This change is someone who will represent what the majority wants, this person is Fran Becker. His values are the same values as the majority of those in his district. He supports legal immigration as any sensible person would, he supports secure borders, he supports a return to fiscal sanity in Washington and he supports truly representing his constituents . As an independent voter I am able to evaluate both candidates and it is evident if we want things to truly change in Washington, it is time to change our Representative who only knows how to represent her democratic party and not her constituents back home.
Don Cariddi
Lynbrook NY
Don Cariddi
Lynbrook NY
Thursday, September 30, 2010
McCarthy Votes Against Tax Cuts
The House Democrats narrowly won the 210-209 vote to adjourn Congress yesterday without discussing the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts, according to Jordan Fabian of The Hill. Republican and Conservative Candidate for New York’s Fourth Congressional District, Fran Becker, points out that Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY-Garden City) wasn’t one of the 39 Democrats to vote against the adjournment. Becker states, “Ms. McCarthy has once again misrepresented the people of the Fourth Congressional District. She had the chance to end the uncertainty facing small businesses and families, instead, she voted with her Democratic majority. “
Congressman John Boehner explained the decision for congress to adjourn in simple terms. He states, “A vote to adjourn this Congress without an up-or-down vote to stop all the tax hikes is a vote to raise taxes and destroy more jobs.”
According to Becker,” The people are looking to their leaders to represent them and vote in their best interest, during this time of economic uncertainty.” He states, “Ms. McCarthy has failed once again.”
Becker states, “The families and taxpayers in the district need a Congressional Representative who will stand up to Pelosi and demand that Congress extend the tax cuts. Unfortunately, McCarthy has turned her back on the residents of the 4th CD and is once again siding with Pelosi as she tries to impose her ultra-liberal agenda on the country.”
He continues, “The tax hike will increase income taxes on small businesses from 33% to 36% and from 36% to 39.6%. This will severely limit small businesses ability to create jobs. “
The tax hikes will also penalize married couples with children. Ryan Ellis from Americans for Tax Reform states, “The “marriage penalty” will return from the first dollar of income. The child tax credit will be cut in half from $1000 to $500 per child. The standard deduction will no longer be doubled for married couples relative to the single level. The dependent care tax credit will be cut.”
Failure to vote for or against the tax extensions is irresponsible. Becker said, "Raising taxes in this economy is irresponsible and will further hamper an already sluggish and anemic recovery. We should not be taking more money out of the pockets of consumers and businesses when we need them to spend and to grow.
“It speaks volumes that Carolyn McCarthy couldn't break with her leadership to vote to stay in session. I believe the tax cuts should be extended in their entirety, but it appears that once again Ms. McCarthy has decided to run from the problem, instead of face it.”
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Congressman John Boehner explained the decision for congress to adjourn in simple terms. He states, “A vote to adjourn this Congress without an up-or-down vote to stop all the tax hikes is a vote to raise taxes and destroy more jobs.”
According to Becker,” The people are looking to their leaders to represent them and vote in their best interest, during this time of economic uncertainty.” He states, “Ms. McCarthy has failed once again.”
Becker states, “The families and taxpayers in the district need a Congressional Representative who will stand up to Pelosi and demand that Congress extend the tax cuts. Unfortunately, McCarthy has turned her back on the residents of the 4th CD and is once again siding with Pelosi as she tries to impose her ultra-liberal agenda on the country.”
He continues, “The tax hike will increase income taxes on small businesses from 33% to 36% and from 36% to 39.6%. This will severely limit small businesses ability to create jobs. “
The tax hikes will also penalize married couples with children. Ryan Ellis from Americans for Tax Reform states, “The “marriage penalty” will return from the first dollar of income. The child tax credit will be cut in half from $1000 to $500 per child. The standard deduction will no longer be doubled for married couples relative to the single level. The dependent care tax credit will be cut.”
Failure to vote for or against the tax extensions is irresponsible. Becker said, "Raising taxes in this economy is irresponsible and will further hamper an already sluggish and anemic recovery. We should not be taking more money out of the pockets of consumers and businesses when we need them to spend and to grow.
“It speaks volumes that Carolyn McCarthy couldn't break with her leadership to vote to stay in session. I believe the tax cuts should be extended in their entirety, but it appears that once again Ms. McCarthy has decided to run from the problem, instead of face it.”
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Monday, September 27, 2010
Repeal Obamacare
Last week, additional provisions of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act went into effect. This is the 2400 page bill that was passed under the instructions of Nancy Pelosi, who said “we have to pass the bill so that we can find out what is in it.” Thanks to Nancy Pelosi and the people who approved the bill such as Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, we now know what is in the bill.
Obamacare has forced insurance companies to stop writing child-only policies. The National Review states, “Obamacare forces insurance companies to accept children who are already sick with pre-existing conditions on the same terms as healthy children, parents now have a strong incentive to wait until their children are sick to buy child-only policies, making the products a guaranteed money-loser for insurers, which are not in the business of guaranteeing losses to their investors and employees.”
After meeting with Senate Democrats last December, President Obama said, “We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums.” An article in the Wall Street Journal last week proved this isn’t the case. The article states, “In recent weeks, insurance companies have started mailing consumers letters informing them of double-digit rate increases starting this month.”
Obamacare is also harmful to small businesses. Fran Becker states, “I believe it is necessary to repeal Obamacare because it is already killing job creation. Businesses will not hire additional employees if they will have to pay additional taxes for each employee they hire.” He continues, “Carolyn McCarthy is out of touch with the people of New York’s Fourth Congressional District. Voting for a bill without reading it is simply absurd.”
Becker has a clear vision and plan that will help our country overcome its economic malaise. His Five Point Plan is as follows:
1. Reduce Spending to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing. This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called "stimulus programs" that create nothing sustainable.
2. Cut Taxes for New Businesses 2-5 years old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation's engine of economic growth.
3. Extend The Tax Cuts Set To Expire December 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. REPEAL OBAMACARE which imposes taxes and fees on individuals, health insurance companies, medical equipment manufacturers and businesses. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new employee hired.
5. Free Us From Foreign Energy Dependence by adopting an "all of the above" energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Obamacare has forced insurance companies to stop writing child-only policies. The National Review states, “Obamacare forces insurance companies to accept children who are already sick with pre-existing conditions on the same terms as healthy children, parents now have a strong incentive to wait until their children are sick to buy child-only policies, making the products a guaranteed money-loser for insurers, which are not in the business of guaranteeing losses to their investors and employees.”
After meeting with Senate Democrats last December, President Obama said, “We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums.” An article in the Wall Street Journal last week proved this isn’t the case. The article states, “In recent weeks, insurance companies have started mailing consumers letters informing them of double-digit rate increases starting this month.”
Obamacare is also harmful to small businesses. Fran Becker states, “I believe it is necessary to repeal Obamacare because it is already killing job creation. Businesses will not hire additional employees if they will have to pay additional taxes for each employee they hire.” He continues, “Carolyn McCarthy is out of touch with the people of New York’s Fourth Congressional District. Voting for a bill without reading it is simply absurd.”
Becker has a clear vision and plan that will help our country overcome its economic malaise. His Five Point Plan is as follows:
1. Reduce Spending to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing. This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called "stimulus programs" that create nothing sustainable.
2. Cut Taxes for New Businesses 2-5 years old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation's engine of economic growth.
3. Extend The Tax Cuts Set To Expire December 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. REPEAL OBAMACARE which imposes taxes and fees on individuals, health insurance companies, medical equipment manufacturers and businesses. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new employee hired.
5. Free Us From Foreign Energy Dependence by adopting an "all of the above" energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Friday, September 24, 2010
Becker Challenges McCarthy
Fran Becker calls on Rep. Carolyn McCarthy to explain her voting record. “While Ms. McCarthy was in her exclusive Hamptons home, our country has incurred 13 trillion dollar deficits, billions of dollars in bailouts, job killing stimulus bills, leading to record high unemployment, 500 billion dollars in Medicare cuts, hurting our Senior Citizens, a complete government takeover of the best Healthcare system in the world, and the worst recession in decades.” Becker continues, “In D.C., Ms. McCarthy voted for Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda 97% of the time. She supports the building of the Mosque at Ground Zero and her support of Israel is lukewarm at best. I am calling on Ms. McCarthy to come home and defend her voting record.”
Recently, Paul and Mark Magliochetti of the PMA Group lobbying firm were indicted and charged for making illegal campaign contributions, Mark Magliochetti pleaded guilty, according to the Daily News. Ms. McCarthy was one of the recipients of the illegal campaign donations. The Daily News also reported that Ms. McCarthy sent 4.3 million dollars to the Magliochetti’s. Becker demands an answer, “She has got to answer for the 4.3 million dollars she sent to the two clients of the PMA Group.” He continues, “This is Washington politics at its worst. Ms. McCarthy has become part of the problem in Washington, I will be part of the solution, and return this “house” back to the people.”
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Recently, Paul and Mark Magliochetti of the PMA Group lobbying firm were indicted and charged for making illegal campaign contributions, Mark Magliochetti pleaded guilty, according to the Daily News. Ms. McCarthy was one of the recipients of the illegal campaign donations. The Daily News also reported that Ms. McCarthy sent 4.3 million dollars to the Magliochetti’s. Becker demands an answer, “She has got to answer for the 4.3 million dollars she sent to the two clients of the PMA Group.” He continues, “This is Washington politics at its worst. Ms. McCarthy has become part of the problem in Washington, I will be part of the solution, and return this “house” back to the people.”
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Becker is "On the Radar"
Fran Becker has been listed on the NRCC’s Most Recent “On the Radar” List
Lynbrook, New York, September 22, 2010-Fran Becker was named to The National Republican Congressional Committee’s (NRCC) most recent list of “On the Radar” and “Contender” candidates yesterday. Becker was listed as a candidate that is “On the Radar.” The NRCC states, “After reaching the first and second step of the three-step program, these ‘On the Radar' and ‘Contender' candidates now face a new set of rigorous benchmarks that will continue to help them build competitive, effective and winning campaigns.”
Becker, who represents the Republican, Conservative, Independence, and Tax Revolt lines, is tired of the incompetence in Washington and the misrepresentation of New York’s 4th Congressional District. He states, “McCarthy has voted for Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda 97 percent of the time. This district needs a representative who will stand up to the radical liberal tax and spend agenda of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, which is killing jobs instead of creating them.” Becker continues, “I am a fiscal Conservative and have solutions that will return our country to fiscal sanity and stop the current policies that are bankrupting our nation!”
Professionally, Becker is a Certified Financial Planner and owns Becker & Associates Planning Services. Becker states, “As a Certified Financial Planner, I help people plan responsible financial futures. One of the main principles of financial planning is you can’t spend money that you don’t have.” He continues, “If elected, I will use my experience to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington.”
Becker has a clear vision and plan that will help our country overcome its economic malaise. His Five Point Plan is as follows:
1. Reduce Spending to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing. This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called "stimulus programs" that create nothing sustainable.
2. Cut Taxes for New Businesses 2-5 years old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation's engine of economic growth.
3. Extend The Tax Cuts Set To Expire December 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. Repeal Obamacare Tax Increases on insurance companies, businesses and individuals. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new hire.
5. Free Us From Foreign Energy Dependence by adopting an "all of the above" energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
Lynbrook, New York, September 22, 2010-Fran Becker was named to The National Republican Congressional Committee’s (NRCC) most recent list of “On the Radar” and “Contender” candidates yesterday. Becker was listed as a candidate that is “On the Radar.” The NRCC states, “After reaching the first and second step of the three-step program, these ‘On the Radar' and ‘Contender' candidates now face a new set of rigorous benchmarks that will continue to help them build competitive, effective and winning campaigns.”
Becker, who represents the Republican, Conservative, Independence, and Tax Revolt lines, is tired of the incompetence in Washington and the misrepresentation of New York’s 4th Congressional District. He states, “McCarthy has voted for Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda 97 percent of the time. This district needs a representative who will stand up to the radical liberal tax and spend agenda of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, which is killing jobs instead of creating them.” Becker continues, “I am a fiscal Conservative and have solutions that will return our country to fiscal sanity and stop the current policies that are bankrupting our nation!”
Professionally, Becker is a Certified Financial Planner and owns Becker & Associates Planning Services. Becker states, “As a Certified Financial Planner, I help people plan responsible financial futures. One of the main principles of financial planning is you can’t spend money that you don’t have.” He continues, “If elected, I will use my experience to restore fiscal responsibility in Washington.”
Becker has a clear vision and plan that will help our country overcome its economic malaise. His Five Point Plan is as follows:
1. Reduce Spending to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing. This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called "stimulus programs" that create nothing sustainable.
2. Cut Taxes for New Businesses 2-5 years old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation's engine of economic growth.
3. Extend The Tax Cuts Set To Expire December 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. Repeal Obamacare Tax Increases on insurance companies, businesses and individuals. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new hire.
5. Free Us From Foreign Energy Dependence by adopting an "all of the above" energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Becker is the People's Choice
Becker Convincingly Secures the Republican, Conservative, Tax Revolt, and Independence Lines for the General Election in November
Lynbrook, New York, September 15, 2010- Fran Becker has officially won the Republican nomination for the Fourth Congressional Seat. With the victory Becker will represent the Republican, Independence, Conservative, and Tax Revolt parties in the general election on November 2nd. Becker states, “I would like to thank all of the people of the Fourth Congressional District who voted for me yesterday to be the Republican nominee, and I’m blessed to have the Conservative, Tax Revolt, and Independence lines. With these four lines, we can finally retire Carolyn McCarthy in November.”
He continues, “People are out of work and the national debt is increasing at an ALARMING RATE. With my experience as a Certified Financial Planner, I will stop the out of control spending and implement my Five Point Plan so that we can create jobs and restore the American dream.”
Becker’s next opponent is Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the 4th CD seat for 14 years. As a business owner, employer, and Certified Financial Planner, Becker has the background, experience and qualifications to serve the interests of the citizens of the 4th CD instead of the interests of the Democrat party, as his opponent does.
Becker has a clear vision and plan that will help our country overcome its economic malaise. His Five Point Plan is as follows:
1. Reduce Spending to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing. This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called "stimulus programs" that create nothing sustainable.
2. Cut Taxes for New Businesses 2-5 years old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation's engine of economic growth.
3. Extend The Tax Cuts Set To Expire December 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. Repeal Obamacare Tax Increases on insurance companies, businesses and individuals. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new hire.
5. Free Us From Foreign Energy Dependence by adopting an "all of the above" energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
Becker is the first elected representative of the 6th Legislative District in the Nassau County Legislature. He is a fiscal and legislative conservative, who has been re-elected to the legislature by wide margins for eight consecutive terms.
For more information, visit
Lynbrook, New York, September 15, 2010- Fran Becker has officially won the Republican nomination for the Fourth Congressional Seat. With the victory Becker will represent the Republican, Independence, Conservative, and Tax Revolt parties in the general election on November 2nd. Becker states, “I would like to thank all of the people of the Fourth Congressional District who voted for me yesterday to be the Republican nominee, and I’m blessed to have the Conservative, Tax Revolt, and Independence lines. With these four lines, we can finally retire Carolyn McCarthy in November.”
He continues, “People are out of work and the national debt is increasing at an ALARMING RATE. With my experience as a Certified Financial Planner, I will stop the out of control spending and implement my Five Point Plan so that we can create jobs and restore the American dream.”
Becker’s next opponent is Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the 4th CD seat for 14 years. As a business owner, employer, and Certified Financial Planner, Becker has the background, experience and qualifications to serve the interests of the citizens of the 4th CD instead of the interests of the Democrat party, as his opponent does.
Becker has a clear vision and plan that will help our country overcome its economic malaise. His Five Point Plan is as follows:
1. Reduce Spending to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing. This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called "stimulus programs" that create nothing sustainable.
2. Cut Taxes for New Businesses 2-5 years old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation's engine of economic growth.
3. Extend The Tax Cuts Set To Expire December 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. Repeal Obamacare Tax Increases on insurance companies, businesses and individuals. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new hire.
5. Free Us From Foreign Energy Dependence by adopting an "all of the above" energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
Becker is the first elected representative of the 6th Legislative District in the Nassau County Legislature. He is a fiscal and legislative conservative, who has been re-elected to the legislature by wide margins for eight consecutive terms.
For more information, visit
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Letter to the Editor From Ann Schockett, Woodmere Executive Leader
Dear Editor,
The 2010 General Election on November 2 as well as Primary Day on September 14 may prove to be the most vital ones in our nation’s history – and future. It will be the “make or break” of the finest country in the world.
Tens of millions of people from coast to coast struggle to climb out of a hole being dug deeper each and every hour by irresponsible Democrat leadership. Our President and his administration continue to ignore the growing cries of the people, turn a deaf ear to them and to reason, and placate us with promises of a brighter tomorrow. But please remember that many tomorrows have already come and gone!
Our President is charming. You surely have heard of the snake oil salesman who is so smooth and convincing that he can promise to heal a dying person with his miracle cure? Perhaps, in 2008, the bottle of magic potion was labeled, “Change”!
But enough with flowery promises and scented alchemy! As each day passes, it becomes clearer how difficult it will be for our country to halt the destruction of onerous monetary, inept health and destructive business plans. As each day passes, our country moves more quickly towards becoming a defunct democracy. This, my friends, is reality!
We are at a critical tipping point in our nation’s relatively young life. Our fragile situation cannot survive any more ‘tipping’. This crisis was fueled by an unfeeling, uncaring, unethical, narcissistic and power-hungry administration. Spending money we don’t even have, they were plain old careless; pushing through absurd programs, they were bullies. And now, with the nation’s greatest resources being depleted, the administration and Congress remain more out of touch than ever. Their devastated constituents are being forced to leave foreclosed homes, are being let go from their work, are living on hand outs and are giving up hope for the future. And still, too many remain bewitched by empty talk and promises as their Democrat leadership literally eat cake – on custom china in their tax-supported offices, on extravagant vacations taken on constituent taxes and during their countless perks.
Friends, this is a mess; you and I are in a mess made by this administration. To compound that, this same government that cannot tend to even the simplest problem also has the audacity to want to determine our health care! Health-care management by the government – scary!
Please educate yourselves as thoroughly as possible before next Tuesday’s upcoming Primary on September 14th. What does each candidate say he or she stands for but what did each candidate actually stand up for? Look at the voting records and the attendance for votes. Why does each person deserve your support – will that person lead and also represent you?
A funny thing happens when that “curtain closes”, when one actually votes. Sometimes, the representative you have, even an ineffectual one, is someone with whom you’re comfortable. But friends, these are not comfortable times. Your vote counts and I know I can count on you to make a good and educated choice.
I’m counting on your realizing that we’ve had too much of nothing – and we’re paying for it, literally! Too much lack of common sense. Too much lack of fiscal responsibility. Too much lack of interest in constituents. I’m counting on your finding out that the right choice for United States Congress is Francis Becker.
It’s time for a successful businessman, financial planner, elected official with an excellent voting record and attendance and person with high moral values. It’s time to clean Congress with clean people like Francis Becker! It’s time to learn how to spend wisely by having someone there who has been helping individuals and government do just that for years. It’s time to stop the nightmare of this Democratic administration and Congress and wake up on Primary Day to vote for Francis Becker for US Congress. Now, that’s living the American dream!
The 2010 General Election on November 2 as well as Primary Day on September 14 may prove to be the most vital ones in our nation’s history – and future. It will be the “make or break” of the finest country in the world.
Tens of millions of people from coast to coast struggle to climb out of a hole being dug deeper each and every hour by irresponsible Democrat leadership. Our President and his administration continue to ignore the growing cries of the people, turn a deaf ear to them and to reason, and placate us with promises of a brighter tomorrow. But please remember that many tomorrows have already come and gone!
Our President is charming. You surely have heard of the snake oil salesman who is so smooth and convincing that he can promise to heal a dying person with his miracle cure? Perhaps, in 2008, the bottle of magic potion was labeled, “Change”!
But enough with flowery promises and scented alchemy! As each day passes, it becomes clearer how difficult it will be for our country to halt the destruction of onerous monetary, inept health and destructive business plans. As each day passes, our country moves more quickly towards becoming a defunct democracy. This, my friends, is reality!
We are at a critical tipping point in our nation’s relatively young life. Our fragile situation cannot survive any more ‘tipping’. This crisis was fueled by an unfeeling, uncaring, unethical, narcissistic and power-hungry administration. Spending money we don’t even have, they were plain old careless; pushing through absurd programs, they were bullies. And now, with the nation’s greatest resources being depleted, the administration and Congress remain more out of touch than ever. Their devastated constituents are being forced to leave foreclosed homes, are being let go from their work, are living on hand outs and are giving up hope for the future. And still, too many remain bewitched by empty talk and promises as their Democrat leadership literally eat cake – on custom china in their tax-supported offices, on extravagant vacations taken on constituent taxes and during their countless perks.
Friends, this is a mess; you and I are in a mess made by this administration. To compound that, this same government that cannot tend to even the simplest problem also has the audacity to want to determine our health care! Health-care management by the government – scary!
Please educate yourselves as thoroughly as possible before next Tuesday’s upcoming Primary on September 14th. What does each candidate say he or she stands for but what did each candidate actually stand up for? Look at the voting records and the attendance for votes. Why does each person deserve your support – will that person lead and also represent you?
A funny thing happens when that “curtain closes”, when one actually votes. Sometimes, the representative you have, even an ineffectual one, is someone with whom you’re comfortable. But friends, these are not comfortable times. Your vote counts and I know I can count on you to make a good and educated choice.
I’m counting on your realizing that we’ve had too much of nothing – and we’re paying for it, literally! Too much lack of common sense. Too much lack of fiscal responsibility. Too much lack of interest in constituents. I’m counting on your finding out that the right choice for United States Congress is Francis Becker.
It’s time for a successful businessman, financial planner, elected official with an excellent voting record and attendance and person with high moral values. It’s time to clean Congress with clean people like Francis Becker! It’s time to learn how to spend wisely by having someone there who has been helping individuals and government do just that for years. It’s time to stop the nightmare of this Democratic administration and Congress and wake up on Primary Day to vote for Francis Becker for US Congress. Now, that’s living the American dream!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Five Towns Jewish Times Endorses Fran
Primary Election Day | ![]() | ![]() |
Local News |
By Larry Gordon |
on Thursday, September 02, 2010 |
There will be a host of intraparty election contests around the country on September 14, as the process of choosing our elected officials in various legislative forums begins the final leg of the journey to what is certain to be a momentous Election Day on November 2. This year, more than in any other of the ten years that this newspaper has been publishing, we have seen a parade of candidates marching through our offices and laying out their visions of what needs to be done in county, city, and statewide elections in order to right a political process that in all too many instances seems to have gone awry. In our circles, in communities here on Long Island and throughout the Jewish communities in the five boroughs of New York City, it seems that almost everyone you speak with is eager and filled with anticipation at the opportunity to cast their votes and contribute to making things with America right again. That process begins on September 14, as both Democrats and Republicans go to the polls to choose their candidates to represent the voters’ and citizens’ interests in places like Mineola, Albany, and Washington, DC. There are, of course, a multitude of issues that need to be aired and explored, but we would be remiss and neglecting reality if we did not mention up front that first and foremost this year’s electoral process is about sending a message to Washington and President Obama. More than in any other segment of the country, the overall Jewish community is disenchanted with President Obama. While the president received 78 percent of the Jewish vote in 2008, a recent poll indicated that were Obama to face a reelection contest today, he would receive only 41 percent of the Jewish vote. Candidates and officials across the broad political spectrum agree that there will be an extreme anti-incumbent and anti-Democrat sentiment expressed at the polls. What is not yet known is how severe that backlash is going to be. Here in our home area, the 4th Congressional District, our representative in Congress for the last 14 years has been Carolyn McCarthy. She’s a liberal Democrat that, according to those preparing to oppose her in November, has voted 97 percent of the time with President Obama. Over the years, she has faced opposition at election time, but to date there has not been a genuine or effective campaign mounted to unseat her. If there ever was an opportunity to do so, this is the year. Mrs. McCarthy is a wonderful well-meaning individual who has served her constituents, particularly here in the Orthodox Jewish communities on the south shore of Long Island, fairly well. Her positions on Israel are relatively good, and she even supported and voted for legislation that insisted that Israel has a right to defend itself in the face of the barrage of rockets it absorbed from Gaza up until the Gaza War of 2009. Why there has to be legislation at all that communicates to a free and independent democratic country that it has a right to defend itself is another story. Her statement, however, on the Obama view of the peace process and the call for a two-state solution raises some real questions. Her website displays her statements and votes in support of Israel, but there is no mention of any support, for example, for keeping Jerusalem united under Israeli sovereignty. That’s a simple issue in a strong pro-Israel community like ours, but it is simply not in tune with the Obama vision or approach. Becker vs. Scaturro I suppose this is just one reason that there are two Republicans who will be facing off in a primary election on September 14 to be designated as the candidate who will oppose Mrs. McCarthy on November 2. Fran Becker has been a member of the Nassau County Legislature for the last 14 years and who cares deeply about the district and communities he hopes to represent in Washington. He’s a conservative Republican with a vision in tune with Ronald Reagan and emphatically opposed to the direction in which President Obama and the Democratic Congress want to take this country. Becker has forceful and innovative positions on how to go about creating jobs and putting Americans back to work instead of cultivating an ever-increasing class of unemployed district residents. He is steadfastly in favor of important pocketbook issues that are very meaningful for our community. Becker is in favor of school vouchers for yeshivas and other private schools and firmly believes that we have to reverse the tax-and-spend momentum, bring down taxes, and restore our economy to health. He believes strongly in Israel’s right to defend itself and has very little faith in the proposed two-state solution that is currently being discussed in Washington. Becker makes it clear that he believes Israel does not have a partner at present with which to negotiate peace. He poignantly asks how Israel can be expected to close a deal with a Palestinian entity that represents less than half of the Palestinian people. Frank Scaturro is challenging Becker for the right to run against McCarthy in November. Scaturro is young (about 38 years old), brash, and intelligent. He was hoping to receive the Nassau County Republican Party endorsement, but for a variety of reasons did not receive the nod of the party, and Becker became the selected candidate in May. Scaturro has had a headstart and has raised significantly more money, but Becker is running hard. It’s a difficult choice to make, as both are very impressive candidates, but considering Becker’s years of service as an elected official and his extensive business experience in the financial sector, we are endorsing Fran Becker for Republican candidate for Congress in the 4th Congressional District of New York. |
Republican Take Over: Fran Becker for U.S. Congress
The Cook Political Report gives Western Long Island’s Congressional District 4 a “Solid D” rating meaning they predict a win for Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a Democrat in office for over twelve years. (Say it aint so!) Returning McCarthy back to Congress for a 6th consecutive term is equivalent to giving the Obama agenda a thumbs-up. She has voted with the Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda 97% of the time.
Touting “accomplishments” at her government website, McCarthy says the following about healthcare reform:
McCarthy is also for “gun safety.” Gun safety in her mind means giving the federal government the power to decide who can work at a gun shop, note the following:
Republican Primary September 14
A Republican can win in Congressional District 4 if only they are united behind one candidate.
Candidates in this race include Nassau County Legislator (District 6) Francis “Fran” Becker; former legal counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Frank Scatturo; and Director of Gathering of Eagles – New York State chapter, Dan Maloney.
A decision admittedly is a difficult one because all three Republican candidates that are on the primary ballot are deserving of the voter’s attention for being well-meaning, conservative, pro-life Republicans with a unique background and a unique line of supporters.
Raquel’s Pick – Fran Becker for U.S. Congress
Fran Becker is the one candidate that stands out among the rest. He is a well-liked eight term county legislator who has devoted his entire adult life to public service. A devotion Fran says he “enjoys” because it gives him a “sense of purpose.” “I am a person of faith,” Fran continues:
Fran Becker is the only candidate who can run a formidable race versus Democrat McCarthy because he has the political background to do so. Fran Becker has been re-elected to the county legislature by wide margins for eight consecutive terms and has the endorsement of the Republican, Conservative and Independence Party lines.
Republican primary voters in District 4 ought to stand united behind Fran Becker now; give him the opportunity to actually win; and watch Fran Becker make it to the halls of the U.S. Congress where he will be a strong voice for the people in a sea of sycophants.
Fran Becker for U.S. Congress no ifs, ands or buts!
The Cook Political Report gives Western Long Island’s Congressional District 4 a “Solid D” rating meaning they predict a win for Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a Democrat in office for over twelve years. (Say it aint so!) Returning McCarthy back to Congress for a 6th consecutive term is equivalent to giving the Obama agenda a thumbs-up. She has voted with the Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda 97% of the time.
Touting “accomplishments” at her government website, McCarthy says the following about healthcare reform:
As a member of the Education and Labor Committee, one of the committees responsible for drafting the healthcare reform plan, Congresswoman McCarthy is playing a key role in the healthcare reform debate.McCarthy is for the Healthcare law that was forced down our American throats in March 2010; and she is not working to repeal the legislation, rather plays a “key role” in its defense. This shows that McCarthy votes with an allegiance to the Democrat Party instead of the voters who have outright rejected Obamacare as a worthwhile healthcare reform package (to say the least).
McCarthy is also for “gun safety.” Gun safety in her mind means giving the federal government the power to decide who can work at a gun shop, note the following:
Congresswoman McCarthy has introduced legislation that would require all gun store employees to pass a background check. Gun dealers would have to supply employee information so that the Department of Justice can run background checks on them using the National Instant Criminal Background Check Database (NICS) system and certify that the employee should be allowed to work in a gun store.(I have a couple of questions for the Congresswoman: How about some background checks on the illegal immigrants that loiter Nassau County? And, why is the federal government deciding whether an innocent citizen is “allowed” to work?)
Republican Primary September 14
A Republican can win in Congressional District 4 if only they are united behind one candidate.
Candidates in this race include Nassau County Legislator (District 6) Francis “Fran” Becker; former legal counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Frank Scatturo; and Director of Gathering of Eagles – New York State chapter, Dan Maloney.
A decision admittedly is a difficult one because all three Republican candidates that are on the primary ballot are deserving of the voter’s attention for being well-meaning, conservative, pro-life Republicans with a unique background and a unique line of supporters.
Raquel’s Pick – Fran Becker for U.S. Congress
Fran Becker is the one candidate that stands out among the rest. He is a well-liked eight term county legislator who has devoted his entire adult life to public service. A devotion Fran says he “enjoys” because it gives him a “sense of purpose.” “I am a person of faith,” Fran continues:
There is an effort to remove God from the public square even though the 2nd Amendment is clear that nothing should get in the way of the practice of one’s religion. People generally believe that our rights should not be regulated, and since Obama has been elected to office, the voters are recognizing that government is seeping into every dimension of our lives. We are concerned for the future of America.Fran Becker is President of Becker & Associates Planning Services, and in that capacity, has the expertise to encourage financial stability at the federal level, Fran explains:
Because of over spending and over regulation by the Obama Administration, our economy is in shambles. The financial markets sink and unemployment continues to rise. As a small business owner and Certified Financial Planner, I meet with clients everyday to help them map their futures and share with them the disciplines necessary to create a successful financial plan. I will bring these skills to Washington with a vision for the future and the understanding on how to create jobs and restore the American Dream.If voters want to stop the financial-hole politicians have dug us into, we must unite behind good candidates that can win. A vote for Fran Becker in the Republican primary is the first step in beating a Democrat who votes for “We the Government” not so much “We the People,” and the second step is by voting for Fran Becker again in November.
Fran Becker is the only candidate who can run a formidable race versus Democrat McCarthy because he has the political background to do so. Fran Becker has been re-elected to the county legislature by wide margins for eight consecutive terms and has the endorsement of the Republican, Conservative and Independence Party lines.
Republican primary voters in District 4 ought to stand united behind Fran Becker now; give him the opportunity to actually win; and watch Fran Becker make it to the halls of the U.S. Congress where he will be a strong voice for the people in a sea of sycophants.
Fran Becker for U.S. Congress no ifs, ands or buts!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Letter to the Editor by Glenn Edwards
To the Editor:
We have reached another tipping point in our country. Being now 52 years old, I feel that I have legitimate perspective on our country and the direction that we are going. For 30 years, I have run businesses here on Long Island and around the country. I have employed over 6,000 employees and have interacted with both public and private companies.
In my opinion, the current administration and Congress have never been more out of touch with the national and international demands of a competitive business environment. People do vote with their conscious, but they vote with their pocketbook as well. The belligerent attitude of the Far Left in the White House and Congress is shutting down our spirit and to that extent the interest business has to hire or expand.
It is for these reasons and too many to express here that we need "common sense" legislators like Fran Becker in Congress. He is a business man with high ethical values. Fran is committed to community and has his ear to the ground. I have spoken with him directly before endorsing him and he truly understands the distinct difference with what is happening now with the “entitlement” country that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are building and the country that Americans really want to work hard for.
Americans really do not want a free ride and Becker gets it. Let the American Dream live again. Let the Congress hear loudly what Americans really want.
Glenn Edwards
Chart Organization, LLC
We have reached another tipping point in our country. Being now 52 years old, I feel that I have legitimate perspective on our country and the direction that we are going. For 30 years, I have run businesses here on Long Island and around the country. I have employed over 6,000 employees and have interacted with both public and private companies.
In my opinion, the current administration and Congress have never been more out of touch with the national and international demands of a competitive business environment. People do vote with their conscious, but they vote with their pocketbook as well. The belligerent attitude of the Far Left in the White House and Congress is shutting down our spirit and to that extent the interest business has to hire or expand.
It is for these reasons and too many to express here that we need "common sense" legislators like Fran Becker in Congress. He is a business man with high ethical values. Fran is committed to community and has his ear to the ground. I have spoken with him directly before endorsing him and he truly understands the distinct difference with what is happening now with the “entitlement” country that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are building and the country that Americans really want to work hard for.
Americans really do not want a free ride and Becker gets it. Let the American Dream live again. Let the Congress hear loudly what Americans really want.
Glenn Edwards
Chart Organization, LLC
Becker Receives Endorsement from Congressman Peter King
Lynbrook, New York, September 4, 2010- Republican Candidate, Fran Becker, recently received the endorsement of Congressman Peter King (R-NY 3rd District). Congressman King expressed his need for Becker in Congress to help stop the out of control Democrats. King said, "I need Fran Becker in Washington alongside me to fight the out of control spending of the Democrats and the massive expansion of government that is mortgaging our children's futures."
King also explained that Becker is the man for the job. He said, "Fran Becker is a hard-working County Legislator, who, like me, is a conservative Republican. Fran gives us the best chance of beating Carolyn McCarthy this November and taking back the Congress."
If Becker is elected, the two will work together. King said, "Fran Becker and I will work closely together to revitalize our economy, create jobs, restore the American Dream and keep our country safe from terrorists."
Fran Becker is the endorsed Repubican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
# # #
King also explained that Becker is the man for the job. He said, "Fran Becker is a hard-working County Legislator, who, like me, is a conservative Republican. Fran gives us the best chance of beating Carolyn McCarthy this November and taking back the Congress."
If Becker is elected, the two will work together. King said, "Fran Becker and I will work closely together to revitalize our economy, create jobs, restore the American Dream and keep our country safe from terrorists."
Fran Becker is the endorsed Repubican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
# # #
Becker Speaks About Experience
Lynbrook, New York, September 3, 2010- Fran Becker, the endorsed Republican candidate and nominated candidate for the Conservative, Independence, and Tax Revolt parties, spoke about his experiences as a small business owner, a person of public service and his proven record on the Nassau County Legislature on Tuesday night.
The League of Women Voters sponsored a debate Tuesday night between the three Republican candidates looking to win the chance to dethrone incumbent Carolyn McCarthy.
Becker, who proclaimed himself a man of faith, owns a financial planning business in Lynbrook and has experienced the struggles of owning a business and creating jobs. He said, "I know the struggles of working to make a payroll and I know what it takes to own and operate a small business."
As a certified financial planner, Becker works to help people manage their future. He said, "I work with people each and every day, in Nassau County, to understand their struggles and concerns, and help them to map out a financial future."
Aside from being a business owner, Becker spoke of his life as a person of public service. Becker informed the audience of his public service involvement with organizations such as Long Island Association, Lynbrook Republican Club, Elks Lodge, Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of Peace Church, St. Raymond's Church, Chamber of Commerce, List.Net, and many others. Becker said, "In these organizations I listen to the struggles of business owners."
Becker has also served on the Nassau County Legislature. During his time on the Legislature, Becker said he has spent time "understanding and helping residents and their families, each and every day, solve the problems and concerns that they have, as well as, cutting the red tape for businesses."
To close the debate, Becker summed up "I'm the only Conservative and Republican on this panel that has talked the talk and walked the walk." He continued, "I am the only candidate with a proven record, who has fought for the taxpayers and businesses of this county."
Becker is the only candidate in the Republican Primary who is guaranteed to be on the ballot in November with the Conservative, Independence and Tax Revolt party lines. It will take all of these, plus, the Republican line on the ballot to win in November against Carolyn McCarthy. If the Republican Primary vote were to go to Frank Scaturro or Dan Maloney, the vote in November would be split ensuring another McCarthy victory. "Every vote will be needed to beat Carolyn McCarthy," he said. "I'm battle tested and will go to Washington and tell Nancy Pelosi, no!"
Through his experiences, Becker has developed a Five-Point Plan to create jobs and restore the American Dream. The Five-Point Plan is as follows:
1. Reduce Spending to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing. This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called "stimulus programs" that create nothing sustainable.
2. Cut Taxes for New Businesses 2-5 years-old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation's engine of economic growth.
3. Extend Tax Cuts Set To Expire December 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. Repeal Obamacare Tax Increases on insurances companies, businesses and individuals. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new hire.
5. Free Us From Foreign Energy Dependence by adopting an "all of the above" energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
Fran Becker is the Repubican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
# # #
The League of Women Voters sponsored a debate Tuesday night between the three Republican candidates looking to win the chance to dethrone incumbent Carolyn McCarthy.
Becker, who proclaimed himself a man of faith, owns a financial planning business in Lynbrook and has experienced the struggles of owning a business and creating jobs. He said, "I know the struggles of working to make a payroll and I know what it takes to own and operate a small business."
As a certified financial planner, Becker works to help people manage their future. He said, "I work with people each and every day, in Nassau County, to understand their struggles and concerns, and help them to map out a financial future."
Aside from being a business owner, Becker spoke of his life as a person of public service. Becker informed the audience of his public service involvement with organizations such as Long Island Association, Lynbrook Republican Club, Elks Lodge, Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of Peace Church, St. Raymond's Church, Chamber of Commerce, List.Net, and many others. Becker said, "In these organizations I listen to the struggles of business owners."
Becker has also served on the Nassau County Legislature. During his time on the Legislature, Becker said he has spent time "understanding and helping residents and their families, each and every day, solve the problems and concerns that they have, as well as, cutting the red tape for businesses."
To close the debate, Becker summed up "I'm the only Conservative and Republican on this panel that has talked the talk and walked the walk." He continued, "I am the only candidate with a proven record, who has fought for the taxpayers and businesses of this county."
Becker is the only candidate in the Republican Primary who is guaranteed to be on the ballot in November with the Conservative, Independence and Tax Revolt party lines. It will take all of these, plus, the Republican line on the ballot to win in November against Carolyn McCarthy. If the Republican Primary vote were to go to Frank Scaturro or Dan Maloney, the vote in November would be split ensuring another McCarthy victory. "Every vote will be needed to beat Carolyn McCarthy," he said. "I'm battle tested and will go to Washington and tell Nancy Pelosi, no!"
Through his experiences, Becker has developed a Five-Point Plan to create jobs and restore the American Dream. The Five-Point Plan is as follows:
1. Reduce Spending to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing. This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called "stimulus programs" that create nothing sustainable.
2. Cut Taxes for New Businesses 2-5 years-old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation's engine of economic growth.
3. Extend Tax Cuts Set To Expire December 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. Repeal Obamacare Tax Increases on insurances companies, businesses and individuals. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new hire.
5. Free Us From Foreign Energy Dependence by adopting an "all of the above" energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
Fran Becker is the Repubican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
For more information, visit
# # #
Friday, August 27, 2010
On the Campaign Trail-George Martin's Rockville Centre
Thank you to everyone who came out last night to George Martin’s in Rockville Centre. The evening was a success with excellent food and an even better crowd.
You could smell change in the air, not the type of change that President Obama preached about two years ago, but change that is needed. Fran spoke to the crowd ensuring them that change is on the way. “I will tell Nancy Pelosi, No!” he said. That’s a change everyone can appreciate.
A special thanks to Don Steinert and John DeGrace for hosting the event. Also, a special thanks to the staff of George Martin’s for a great evening. Don't forget to visit
You could smell change in the air, not the type of change that President Obama preached about two years ago, but change that is needed. Fran spoke to the crowd ensuring them that change is on the way. “I will tell Nancy Pelosi, No!” he said. That’s a change everyone can appreciate.
A special thanks to Don Steinert and John DeGrace for hosting the event. Also, a special thanks to the staff of George Martin’s for a great evening. Don't forget to visit
Becker Secures Conservative Line for General Election
Fran Becker received word from his attorney yesterday afternoon that Frank Scaturro lost his appeal to challenge him in a Conservative Primary. Becker has officially been awarded the endorsement of the Conservative Party by the Court of Appeals.
Fran Becker will now have at least 3 lines, the Conservative, the Independence and the Tax Revolt parties on the November ballot and looks forward to winning the Republican Primary on September 14th to challenge Rep. Carolyn McCarthy for the 4th Congressional District of New York. Don't forget to visit
Fran Becker will now have at least 3 lines, the Conservative, the Independence and the Tax Revolt parties on the November ballot and looks forward to winning the Republican Primary on September 14th to challenge Rep. Carolyn McCarthy for the 4th Congressional District of New York. Don't forget to visit
Saturday, August 21, 2010
A Post from Alexandria Hein
The photographs, pictures, awards and various other patriotic memorabilia that decorate the walls of Legislator Fran Becker’s usual business office were perhaps foreshadowing the change to come.
Today his usual work documents and cliental information for Becker & Associates has been replaced. It’s been moved to another office, and in the place of his usual employees are his supporters. We chat with each other easily, happily going about the work that comes with a campaign, the kind that relies on the support of volunteers.
Our common denominator, Fran Becker, walks in and out of the various rooms, quickly stopping to have a conversation with us here or there, his daughters each came in from out of state and stop to introduce themselves to us. His adorable grandchildren shyly turn the corner and decide whether to wave hi or sneak back behind mom.
Why are we here? Why did I, at 21, struggle out of bed this morning (okay I was late but I got here and it is a Saturday morning)? Because we believe in the message behind Becker’s campaign. We know that he has more intelligence and pride in his country than his opponents. We are here because he makes sense in a world that is becoming increasingly confusing.
His message is clear and concise and when you listen to him talk about it- you have to believe him. His five-point plan for our state and country looks great, but I want to also point out for you that he knows how to make it work. Legislator Becker is a Certified Financial Planner, he knows how to implement a system, and he knows how to create a sensible, successful, path for a long journey.
This is why today, on a sunny Saturday morning, his headquarters is packed with buzzing and excited supporters. It’s why at the break table everyone stands around talking about his plethora of support from his district. It’s why we all hail from different parts of Nassau County, united to elect him.
-Alexandria Hein
Today his usual work documents and cliental information for Becker & Associates has been replaced. It’s been moved to another office, and in the place of his usual employees are his supporters. We chat with each other easily, happily going about the work that comes with a campaign, the kind that relies on the support of volunteers.
Our common denominator, Fran Becker, walks in and out of the various rooms, quickly stopping to have a conversation with us here or there, his daughters each came in from out of state and stop to introduce themselves to us. His adorable grandchildren shyly turn the corner and decide whether to wave hi or sneak back behind mom.
Why are we here? Why did I, at 21, struggle out of bed this morning (okay I was late but I got here and it is a Saturday morning)? Because we believe in the message behind Becker’s campaign. We know that he has more intelligence and pride in his country than his opponents. We are here because he makes sense in a world that is becoming increasingly confusing.
His message is clear and concise and when you listen to him talk about it- you have to believe him. His five-point plan for our state and country looks great, but I want to also point out for you that he knows how to make it work. Legislator Becker is a Certified Financial Planner, he knows how to implement a system, and he knows how to create a sensible, successful, path for a long journey.
This is why today, on a sunny Saturday morning, his headquarters is packed with buzzing and excited supporters. It’s why at the break table everyone stands around talking about his plethora of support from his district. It’s why we all hail from different parts of Nassau County, united to elect him.
-Alexandria Hein
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
On the Campaign Trail-Cabo Fundraiser
Thanks to everyone who came out to Cabo in Rockville Centre last night to support Fran.
After an excellent dinner, Fran spoke to friends, family, and supporters reassuring that come November, "We are taking our country back!"
A special thanks to Steven DelVecchio and Doug Quaranto and the entire Cabo staff for a great evening. Don't forget to check out pictures from Cabo at
After an excellent dinner, Fran spoke to friends, family, and supporters reassuring that come November, "We are taking our country back!"
A special thanks to Steven DelVecchio and Doug Quaranto and the entire Cabo staff for a great evening. Don't forget to check out pictures from Cabo at
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
On the Campaign Trail-Eisenhower Park and Cantiague Park
Eisenhower Park was packed with nearly 15,000 people that showed up for KC and the Sunshine Band on Saturday night. Fran Becker was the opening act and sang the National Anthem. Before the performance, Fran and his team made their way through the packed crowd greeting fans.
On Sunday, Fran and his campaign team made their way back to Eisenhower Park for Nassau County Executive’s 1st Annual Cruise to the Show: Parade and Car Show. The park was bumper to bumper with cars ranging from Model T Fords to 2010 Camaro’s. The show also featured a version of Back to the Future’s DeLorean. He then made his way over to Cantiague Park to hang out with the wonderful members of the Salisbury Republican Club for their summer barbeque.
Fran and his team would like to thank Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano and the Nassau County Legislature for a great weekend at Eisenhower Park and the Salisbury Republican Club for a wonderful relaxing end to a busy summer weekend. Check out pictures from the weekend at
On Sunday, Fran and his campaign team made their way back to Eisenhower Park for Nassau County Executive’s 1st Annual Cruise to the Show: Parade and Car Show. The park was bumper to bumper with cars ranging from Model T Fords to 2010 Camaro’s. The show also featured a version of Back to the Future’s DeLorean. He then made his way over to Cantiague Park to hang out with the wonderful members of the Salisbury Republican Club for their summer barbeque.
Fran and his team would like to thank Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano and the Nassau County Legislature for a great weekend at Eisenhower Park and the Salisbury Republican Club for a wonderful relaxing end to a busy summer weekend. Check out pictures from the weekend at
Friday, August 13, 2010
On the Campaign Trail- Cedarhurst Park
Fran and his team attended "Jewish Night" at the beautiful Cedarhurst Park on Tuesday, August 10th. The evening was full of excitement as Fran and his team greeted the citizens of Cedarhurst, while enjoying comedians and live music.
Highlighting the night was the presentation of certificates of appreciation to members of the community by Mayor Andrew Parise.
Fran and his team would like to thank the people of Cedarhurst for the warm welcome and allowing his campaign team to enjoy the great evening and entertainment at Cedarhurst Park.
Don't forget to check out pictures from the night at
Highlighting the night was the presentation of certificates of appreciation to members of the community by Mayor Andrew Parise.
Fran and his team would like to thank the people of Cedarhurst for the warm welcome and allowing his campaign team to enjoy the great evening and entertainment at Cedarhurst Park.
Don't forget to check out pictures from the night at
Friday, August 6, 2010
The United States Department of Labor released their "Unemployment Situation Summary" today. Here are a few key disturbing points:
--total nonfarm payroll employment declined by 131,000 in July
--unemployment rate was unchanged at 9.5% (14.6 million persons remain unemployed in the US)
--there were 1.2 million "discouraged workers" in July, that's up almost 400,000 from the year before. Discouraged workers are those that have stopped looking for a job because they do not believe there are any jobs available for them.
I am sure those discouraged workers along with the rest of the 14.6 million people unemployed in the United States are at least comforted by the fact that they can one day view the pictures of exotic ants that the Federal Government chipped in $1 Million 'Stimulus' dollars to get. Instead of the "Change" Obama promised, they got discouragement. America used to be the place for the discouraged to find hope.
The report also stated that the private sector grew by 71,000 jobs--but there is no reason for celebration. According to the US Chamber of Commerce in their Open Letter to the President, we need 20 million jobs in the next 10 years to re-employ the unemployed and to keep pace with a growing population, in other words, to sustain our economy. That's approximately 166,000 jobs per month--we had less than half of that last month.
Again, the primary source of job creation in this country is small business. They were responsible for ending the recessions in both the early 80s and early 90s. For small businesses to start and flourish, we need legislators to adopt pro-growth tax policies. First and foremost, the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 MUST NOT EXPIRE for anyone. Also, small businesses need credit but banks are hesitant to lend due to the new financial regulations pushed through Congress—small business are literally starving for capital.
The solution to this is in my FIVE POINT PLAN to create jobs. Five important steps to restoring the American Dream; five steps to encourage the discouraged. Carolyn McCarthy has not taken one step towards job creation in the U.S.—what our state and our Country need the most--so it's time for her to go. As a small business owner and a certified financial planner, I have what it takes to get the job done.
As Obama and other Democrats around the Country tout their accomplishments (a.k.a passing unwanted legislation) now and leading up to Election Day, don't be fooled. Americans still need jobs--and they either can't or won't take the steps necessary to create them. I can and I will.
Fran Becker
--total nonfarm payroll employment declined by 131,000 in July
--unemployment rate was unchanged at 9.5% (14.6 million persons remain unemployed in the US)
--there were 1.2 million "discouraged workers" in July, that's up almost 400,000 from the year before. Discouraged workers are those that have stopped looking for a job because they do not believe there are any jobs available for them.
I am sure those discouraged workers along with the rest of the 14.6 million people unemployed in the United States are at least comforted by the fact that they can one day view the pictures of exotic ants that the Federal Government chipped in $1 Million 'Stimulus' dollars to get. Instead of the "Change" Obama promised, they got discouragement. America used to be the place for the discouraged to find hope.
The report also stated that the private sector grew by 71,000 jobs--but there is no reason for celebration. According to the US Chamber of Commerce in their Open Letter to the President, we need 20 million jobs in the next 10 years to re-employ the unemployed and to keep pace with a growing population, in other words, to sustain our economy. That's approximately 166,000 jobs per month--we had less than half of that last month.
Again, the primary source of job creation in this country is small business. They were responsible for ending the recessions in both the early 80s and early 90s. For small businesses to start and flourish, we need legislators to adopt pro-growth tax policies. First and foremost, the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 MUST NOT EXPIRE for anyone. Also, small businesses need credit but banks are hesitant to lend due to the new financial regulations pushed through Congress—small business are literally starving for capital.
The solution to this is in my FIVE POINT PLAN to create jobs. Five important steps to restoring the American Dream; five steps to encourage the discouraged. Carolyn McCarthy has not taken one step towards job creation in the U.S.—what our state and our Country need the most--so it's time for her to go. As a small business owner and a certified financial planner, I have what it takes to get the job done.
As Obama and other Democrats around the Country tout their accomplishments (a.k.a passing unwanted legislation) now and leading up to Election Day, don't be fooled. Americans still need jobs--and they either can't or won't take the steps necessary to create them. I can and I will.
Fran Becker
Thursday, August 5, 2010
A Story That Will Make You Proud to Be An American
One of the great privileges of being a County Legislator is having many opportunities to meet our local heroes and to express our gratitude for their great work.
This week I went to a press conference at North Shore University/Long Island Jewish Hospital to recognize the outstanding work of Dr. Kaveh Alizadeh. Dr. Alizadeh is a distinguished plastic surgeon based in Garden City who performed four months of treatment on little Waad Baktar.
Waad is 9 years old and from Iraq . He was on his way home from school with his friends when he was nearly blown apart by an IED (improvised explosive device). He was severely burned, lost an eye, an arm, and a leg.
This week I went to a press conference at North Shore University/Long Island Jewish Hospital to recognize the outstanding work of Dr. Kaveh Alizadeh. Dr. Alizadeh is a distinguished plastic surgeon based in Garden City who performed four months of treatment on little Waad Baktar.
Some of our Troops in Iraq took up the cause of Waad and connected him with Elissa Montanti of Global Medical Relief Fund, who facilitated Waad and his mother's journey to America . She set them up with lodging and coordinated treatment with Shriners Hospital in Pennsylvania , Annette Kirszrot Ocular Prosthetics in New York City , and Dr. Alizadeh.
Waad was fitted with several prosthetics including an eye and replacements for his lost limbs. Dr. Alizadeh miraculously reconstructed Waads face and foot so that this young boy could return home to Iraq with a second chance at life. Meeting little Waad and his grateful mother was incredibly moving and made me so proud to be an American. I am so proud of our Military Men and Women. They excel at defeating our enemies and protecting our freedom and interests, and at the same time exhibit great love and compassion for those in need. I am proud of our charitable organizations like Elissa Montanti's Global Medical Relief Fund and the Shriners Hospital . We are an extremely generous nation and we have willingly shared our many blessings with the world. I am also tremendously proud of our healthcare system. We are blessed to have the finest Doctors in their fields, like Dr. Alizadeh, the finest medical facilities like North Shore University/LIJ and a system that rewards innovation and progress.
All of these amazing American groups and individuals selflessly worked together to aid one little boy from another land. It is important for future generations that these American institutions that are a force for good and source of hope in the world are preserved.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Fran Becker's Proven Record: A Letter to His Constituents
In a recent letter to his constituents, Nassau County Legislator Fran Becker states that high property taxes are his #1 concern for Nassau residents. According to the article titled "Who Pays America's Highest Property Taxes" published on January 23rd of 2009, "Nassau County homeowners pay a median $8,153--or 8% of their yearly income--to live there. It's the fourth-highest rate in the country." Fran Becker goes on to explain that the first step in stopping runaway property taxes is to reform the broken property tax assessment system.
Legislator Becker voted with the Republican Majority Legislators to approve legislation submitted by County Executive Ed Mangano to streamline the assessment challenge process for commercial businesses which accrue nearly 80% of the assessment debt. The County will now save MILLIONS on refund payments because the assessment errors will be corrected BEFORE the incorrect amount of taxes is paid. County Executive Mangano also froze all residential property tax assessments for four years. These steps are described as "monumental" to restructuring and reducing the County’s debt.
Fran Becker will bring his experience as a conservative leader to the U.S. Congress and continue to fight for lower taxes for Nassau County residents and businesses.
To view the entire letter, click here.
Legislator Becker voted with the Republican Majority Legislators to approve legislation submitted by County Executive Ed Mangano to streamline the assessment challenge process for commercial businesses which accrue nearly 80% of the assessment debt. The County will now save MILLIONS on refund payments because the assessment errors will be corrected BEFORE the incorrect amount of taxes is paid. County Executive Mangano also froze all residential property tax assessments for four years. These steps are described as "monumental" to restructuring and reducing the County’s debt.
Fran Becker will bring his experience as a conservative leader to the U.S. Congress and continue to fight for lower taxes for Nassau County residents and businesses.
To view the entire letter, click here.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Fran Becker Signs AFP "No Climate Tax Pledge"
For Immediate Release
July 19th, 2010
Francis X. Becker Jr. Signs the Americans For Prosperity “No Climate Tax Pledge”
Lynbrook, NY July 19th, 2010- Francis X. Becker Jr. (R-Lynbrook) has joined more than 650 bipartisan policy makers in pledging to oppose any move by the U.S. Government to gain revenue through legislation relating to Global Warming. Several other candidates from New York have also signed the pledge which is being sponsored by the free market grassroots group “Americans For Prosperity” a Washington based not-for-profit that is focused on defending every American’s right to economic prosperity by attempting to reduce the size and scope of Government.
“Using the guise of climate change to transfer dollars from hard-working citizens to bureaucratic big government is unacceptable,” said Phil Kerpen, AFP Vice President for Policy. “Regardless of their stance on global warming, this should be common ground for all of our elected officials at all levels of government.”
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate in the NY 4th Congressional district race. He currently holds office as the representative for 6th Legislative District in the Nassau County Legislature. He is attempting to unseat long standing incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City) who currently holds the seat that once belonged to his Grandfather, former U.S. Rep Frank J. Becker.
July 19th, 2010
Francis X. Becker Jr. Signs the Americans For Prosperity “No Climate Tax Pledge”
Lynbrook, NY July 19th, 2010- Francis X. Becker Jr. (R-Lynbrook) has joined more than 650 bipartisan policy makers in pledging to oppose any move by the U.S. Government to gain revenue through legislation relating to Global Warming. Several other candidates from New York have also signed the pledge which is being sponsored by the free market grassroots group “Americans For Prosperity” a Washington based not-for-profit that is focused on defending every American’s right to economic prosperity by attempting to reduce the size and scope of Government.
“Using the guise of climate change to transfer dollars from hard-working citizens to bureaucratic big government is unacceptable,” said Phil Kerpen, AFP Vice President for Policy. “Regardless of their stance on global warming, this should be common ground for all of our elected officials at all levels of government.”
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate in the NY 4th Congressional district race. He currently holds office as the representative for 6th Legislative District in the Nassau County Legislature. He is attempting to unseat long standing incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City) who currently holds the seat that once belonged to his Grandfather, former U.S. Rep Frank J. Becker.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Summer of Recovery?
Please take a minute to read this important post by Kevin Boland at the GOP leader blog. Despite the Obama Administration's claims that this is the 'summer of recovery', the rest of us living in the real world can see that the President and the Democrats in Congress have failed miserably in their efforts to spur lasting and real economic growth and job creation.
Kevin points out that all of the Democrats' plans from the stimulus to Obamacare to their latest 2,000+ page financial regulation bill have failed to produce the one key ingredient necessary for economic growth: stability. This 'climate of uncertainty' is a job-killer. Businesses and banks can't predict the fallout from these massive and sweeping new laws, regulations, and taxes and are 'sitting it out' instead of expanding, borrowing, lending, and hiring.
The one element of the Democrats plan that is very certain is that our country will see massive tax increases come January 1, 2011. This will further exacerbate the business climate and stifle growth. Carolyn McCarthy has failed time and again to stand up to her leadership in Washington. She will allow these job-killing tax increases to happen. One element of my 5-Point Plan to spur job creation includes stopping these tax hikes. Please volunteer and donate to my campaign today.
Kevin points out that all of the Democrats' plans from the stimulus to Obamacare to their latest 2,000+ page financial regulation bill have failed to produce the one key ingredient necessary for economic growth: stability. This 'climate of uncertainty' is a job-killer. Businesses and banks can't predict the fallout from these massive and sweeping new laws, regulations, and taxes and are 'sitting it out' instead of expanding, borrowing, lending, and hiring.
The one element of the Democrats plan that is very certain is that our country will see massive tax increases come January 1, 2011. This will further exacerbate the business climate and stifle growth. Carolyn McCarthy has failed time and again to stand up to her leadership in Washington. She will allow these job-killing tax increases to happen. One element of my 5-Point Plan to spur job creation includes stopping these tax hikes. Please volunteer and donate to my campaign today.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Will you have a part in Victory?
We are sowing the seeds of our "Victory Garden" of volunteers. Join with us as we march towards victory in November against Carolyn McCarthy and our current tax and spend government.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Fran Becker with Michele Bachmann
I had the honor of taking a picture with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota today at a rally for John Gomez. I hope to stand with her in Congress one day, standing up for conservative principals and the people of my district.
A Heartfelt Thank You
Dear Supporters,
Our online fundraiser was a success and I want to thank all of you for participating. We are on our way to victory against Carolyn McCarthy and the other politicians that have stopped listening to the people they were elected to represent.
Thank you again,
Our online fundraiser was a success and I want to thank all of you for participating. We are on our way to victory against Carolyn McCarthy and the other politicians that have stopped listening to the people they were elected to represent.
Thank you again,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Taking A Stand
Hundreds of Conservative Society of America (CSA) members showed up in protest Monday night at the Working Families Party fundraiser for Representatives Carolyn McCarthy (District 4), Gary Ackerman (District 5), Time Bishop (District 1), and Steve Israel (District 2), at the Fox Hollow in Woodbury, NY. Fran Becker stood proudly with CSA members as hundreds of cars drove by honking their horns and giving thumbs up--evidence that an overwhelming amount of distrust and dissatisfaction has developed in Nassau & Suffolk towards McCarthy and the other Democrats in Congress.
Carolyn McCarthy and Nancy Pelosi are incompetent and have been deaf to the needs of our country. As one of the CSA members stated on Monday night, "65% of the voters keep calling them and telling them to vote no for things and they keep voting yes." People are waking up, and Fran Becker is honored to stand with the members of the CSA and join their call for change.
Carolyn McCarthy and Nancy Pelosi are incompetent and have been deaf to the needs of our country. As one of the CSA members stated on Monday night, "65% of the voters keep calling them and telling them to vote no for things and they keep voting yes." People are waking up, and Fran Becker is honored to stand with the members of the CSA and join their call for change.
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