Sunday, October 31, 2010

Becker Gains Momentum for Final Weekend

With the election only three days away, momentum, enthusiasm, and determination continue to push Fran Becker and his campaign team toward the finish line.

Complimenting an impressive ground game, Becker has seen increasing support from the national GOP. Friday, Republican Whip Eric Cantor (VA-7) came to the Five Towns in New York to hold a Town Hall Meeting for high school students at Temple Hillel. Along with Rep. Cantor, Becker has also received the support of Minority Leader Boehner (R-OH), NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions(R-TX), Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), Senator Dr. Coburn, Rep. Peter King (R-NY), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), and Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA), former Senator Rick Santorum, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, and former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton.

Becker states, “I am blessed to have the support of such prominent elected officials. The support of these statesmen helps fuel the efforts of this grassroots campaign. The support I have received from all ends is incredible. I believe on November 2nd the American people will be heard. “

The race to unseat ultra-liberal incumbent Carolyn McCarthy has also received national attention in the media. Through great interviews, Becker has received the support of Sean Hannity, Bill Bennett, Steve Malzberg, Bob Grant, and John Gambling. Renowned political pundit and columnist Dick Morris has also highlighted the reality of an upset in New York’s Fourth District.

Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.

For more information, visit

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