Fran Becker calls on Rep. Carolyn McCarthy to explain her voting record. “While Ms. McCarthy was in her exclusive Hamptons home, our country has incurred 13 trillion dollar deficits, billions of dollars in bailouts, job killing stimulus bills, leading to record high unemployment, 500 billion dollars in Medicare cuts, hurting our Senior Citizens, a complete government takeover of the best Healthcare system in the world, and the worst recession in decades.” Becker continues, “In D.C., Ms. McCarthy voted for Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda 97% of the time. She supports the building of the Mosque at Ground Zero and her support of Israel is lukewarm at best. I am calling on Ms. McCarthy to come home and defend her voting record.”
Recently, Paul and Mark Magliochetti of the PMA Group lobbying firm were indicted and charged for making illegal campaign contributions, Mark Magliochetti pleaded guilty, according to the Daily News. Ms. McCarthy was one of the recipients of the illegal campaign donations. The Daily News also reported that Ms. McCarthy sent 4.3 million dollars to the Magliochetti’s. Becker demands an answer, “She has got to answer for the 4.3 million dollars she sent to the two clients of the PMA Group.” He continues, “This is Washington politics at its worst. Ms. McCarthy has become part of the problem in Washington, I will be part of the solution, and return this “house” back to the people.”
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate for New York's 4th Congressional District. He is running against incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City), who has held the seat for 14 years. Fran is a business owner, an employer, and a certified financial planner. Fran has the background, experience and qualifications to get the job done in Congress.
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