In a recent letter to his constituents, Nassau County Legislator Fran Becker states that high property taxes are his #1 concern for Nassau residents. According to the article titled "Who Pays America's Highest Property Taxes" published on January 23rd of 2009, "Nassau County homeowners pay a median $8,153--or 8% of their yearly income--to live there. It's the fourth-highest rate in the country." Fran Becker goes on to explain that the first step in stopping runaway property taxes is to reform the broken property tax assessment system.
Legislator Becker voted with the Republican Majority Legislators to approve legislation submitted by County Executive Ed Mangano to streamline the assessment challenge process for commercial businesses which accrue nearly 80% of the assessment debt. The County will now save MILLIONS on refund payments because the assessment errors will be corrected BEFORE the incorrect amount of taxes is paid. County Executive Mangano also froze all residential property tax assessments for four years. These steps are described as "monumental" to restructuring and reducing the County’s debt.
Fran Becker will bring his experience as a conservative leader to the U.S. Congress and continue to fight for lower taxes for Nassau County residents and businesses.
To view the entire letter, click here.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Fran Becker Signs AFP "No Climate Tax Pledge"
For Immediate Release
July 19th, 2010
Francis X. Becker Jr. Signs the Americans For Prosperity “No Climate Tax Pledge”
Lynbrook, NY July 19th, 2010- Francis X. Becker Jr. (R-Lynbrook) has joined more than 650 bipartisan policy makers in pledging to oppose any move by the U.S. Government to gain revenue through legislation relating to Global Warming. Several other candidates from New York have also signed the pledge which is being sponsored by the free market grassroots group “Americans For Prosperity” a Washington based not-for-profit that is focused on defending every American’s right to economic prosperity by attempting to reduce the size and scope of Government.
“Using the guise of climate change to transfer dollars from hard-working citizens to bureaucratic big government is unacceptable,” said Phil Kerpen, AFP Vice President for Policy. “Regardless of their stance on global warming, this should be common ground for all of our elected officials at all levels of government.”
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate in the NY 4th Congressional district race. He currently holds office as the representative for 6th Legislative District in the Nassau County Legislature. He is attempting to unseat long standing incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City) who currently holds the seat that once belonged to his Grandfather, former U.S. Rep Frank J. Becker.
July 19th, 2010
Francis X. Becker Jr. Signs the Americans For Prosperity “No Climate Tax Pledge”
Lynbrook, NY July 19th, 2010- Francis X. Becker Jr. (R-Lynbrook) has joined more than 650 bipartisan policy makers in pledging to oppose any move by the U.S. Government to gain revenue through legislation relating to Global Warming. Several other candidates from New York have also signed the pledge which is being sponsored by the free market grassroots group “Americans For Prosperity” a Washington based not-for-profit that is focused on defending every American’s right to economic prosperity by attempting to reduce the size and scope of Government.
“Using the guise of climate change to transfer dollars from hard-working citizens to bureaucratic big government is unacceptable,” said Phil Kerpen, AFP Vice President for Policy. “Regardless of their stance on global warming, this should be common ground for all of our elected officials at all levels of government.”
Fran Becker is the Republican candidate in the NY 4th Congressional district race. He currently holds office as the representative for 6th Legislative District in the Nassau County Legislature. He is attempting to unseat long standing incumbent Carolyn McCarthy (D-Garden City) who currently holds the seat that once belonged to his Grandfather, former U.S. Rep Frank J. Becker.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Summer of Recovery?
Please take a minute to read this important post by Kevin Boland at the GOP leader blog. Despite the Obama Administration's claims that this is the 'summer of recovery', the rest of us living in the real world can see that the President and the Democrats in Congress have failed miserably in their efforts to spur lasting and real economic growth and job creation.
Kevin points out that all of the Democrats' plans from the stimulus to Obamacare to their latest 2,000+ page financial regulation bill have failed to produce the one key ingredient necessary for economic growth: stability. This 'climate of uncertainty' is a job-killer. Businesses and banks can't predict the fallout from these massive and sweeping new laws, regulations, and taxes and are 'sitting it out' instead of expanding, borrowing, lending, and hiring.
The one element of the Democrats plan that is very certain is that our country will see massive tax increases come January 1, 2011. This will further exacerbate the business climate and stifle growth. Carolyn McCarthy has failed time and again to stand up to her leadership in Washington. She will allow these job-killing tax increases to happen. One element of my 5-Point Plan to spur job creation includes stopping these tax hikes. Please volunteer and donate to my campaign today.
Kevin points out that all of the Democrats' plans from the stimulus to Obamacare to their latest 2,000+ page financial regulation bill have failed to produce the one key ingredient necessary for economic growth: stability. This 'climate of uncertainty' is a job-killer. Businesses and banks can't predict the fallout from these massive and sweeping new laws, regulations, and taxes and are 'sitting it out' instead of expanding, borrowing, lending, and hiring.
The one element of the Democrats plan that is very certain is that our country will see massive tax increases come January 1, 2011. This will further exacerbate the business climate and stifle growth. Carolyn McCarthy has failed time and again to stand up to her leadership in Washington. She will allow these job-killing tax increases to happen. One element of my 5-Point Plan to spur job creation includes stopping these tax hikes. Please volunteer and donate to my campaign today.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Will you have a part in Victory?
We are sowing the seeds of our "Victory Garden" of volunteers. Join with us as we march towards victory in November against Carolyn McCarthy and our current tax and spend government.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Fran Becker with Michele Bachmann
I had the honor of taking a picture with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota today at a rally for John Gomez. I hope to stand with her in Congress one day, standing up for conservative principals and the people of my district.
A Heartfelt Thank You
Dear Supporters,
Our online fundraiser was a success and I want to thank all of you for participating. We are on our way to victory against Carolyn McCarthy and the other politicians that have stopped listening to the people they were elected to represent.
Thank you again,
Our online fundraiser was a success and I want to thank all of you for participating. We are on our way to victory against Carolyn McCarthy and the other politicians that have stopped listening to the people they were elected to represent.
Thank you again,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Taking A Stand
Hundreds of Conservative Society of America (CSA) members showed up in protest Monday night at the Working Families Party fundraiser for Representatives Carolyn McCarthy (District 4), Gary Ackerman (District 5), Time Bishop (District 1), and Steve Israel (District 2), at the Fox Hollow in Woodbury, NY. Fran Becker stood proudly with CSA members as hundreds of cars drove by honking their horns and giving thumbs up--evidence that an overwhelming amount of distrust and dissatisfaction has developed in Nassau & Suffolk towards McCarthy and the other Democrats in Congress.
Carolyn McCarthy and Nancy Pelosi are incompetent and have been deaf to the needs of our country. As one of the CSA members stated on Monday night, "65% of the voters keep calling them and telling them to vote no for things and they keep voting yes." People are waking up, and Fran Becker is honored to stand with the members of the CSA and join their call for change.
Carolyn McCarthy and Nancy Pelosi are incompetent and have been deaf to the needs of our country. As one of the CSA members stated on Monday night, "65% of the voters keep calling them and telling them to vote no for things and they keep voting yes." People are waking up, and Fran Becker is honored to stand with the members of the CSA and join their call for change.
Countdown to Primary!
Here's the countdown to the September 14th Republican Primary! I need all the support that I can get! Visit today to donate or volunteer!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
We Are So Close to Our $10,000 Online Goal!
Dear Supporters,
Only 2 days left to reach our $10,000 online fundraising goal. We need $10,000 to continue running our ad on various cable TV stations like Fox News--we are so close. It is so important for the ad to continue to run because my message reaches large amounts of people at one time. My message: Create jobs, restore the American Dream. But how will this be accomplished? Drawing from my experience as a small business owner, financial planner, and legislator, I have designed a Five Point Plan to promote economic growth. With your help, we can change the direction of our country and foster real economic growth.
Please click here to make a secure online donation. Click Five Point Plan to be redirected to another blog post and view the details of my plan.
Thank you to all that have responded--I am so grateful--and, as always, thank you to everyone for your support.
Fran Becker
Only 2 days left to reach our $10,000 online fundraising goal. We need $10,000 to continue running our ad on various cable TV stations like Fox News--we are so close. It is so important for the ad to continue to run because my message reaches large amounts of people at one time. My message: Create jobs, restore the American Dream. But how will this be accomplished? Drawing from my experience as a small business owner, financial planner, and legislator, I have designed a Five Point Plan to promote economic growth. With your help, we can change the direction of our country and foster real economic growth.
Please click here to make a secure online donation. Click Five Point Plan to be redirected to another blog post and view the details of my plan.
Thank you to all that have responded--I am so grateful--and, as always, thank you to everyone for your support.
Fran Becker
Monday, July 12, 2010
Firefighters, We Salute You!
I drove out to Merrick on Saturday for the Nassau County Firefighters Parade & Drill, an annual competition for all of the fire departments in Nassau County in drills and parade performance. The traffic was at a crawl on Sunrise because of all the firefighters assembling to march so I got there late. I stood at the curb and held my hand over my heart each time the American Flag passed. I was happy I got to see my home-town Lynbrook Firefighters, and I hope they saw me as a familiar face in crowd, wishing them the best of luck. There had to be close to 700 firefighters and hundreds of trucks. I was there several hours and said hello to many firefighters, and it was an all-round great event-- including great patriotic music played by bugle and bagpipe bands. One person I got to speak to was Tom Fehling. The Wantagh Bagpipers started in remembrance of his brother Lee Fehling, who died as a firefighter in 9/11. I embraced him because I could tell he still hurts from losing his brother. He thanked me for the "hug." His brother's name is still written on the bass drum. Whenever someone mentions 9/11, it all comes back: the horror, the sadness, and the memories of the 30 or so memorial services I attended to show my support for the families of those we lost. Some families only had body parts to honor....and some didn't even have body parts. I cannot even begin to imagine the grief felt by families like the Fehling's. No one in the country can ever truly know what we experienced here in the metropolitan area. Firefighters, we salute you!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Only 4 Days Left to Reach our $10,000 Goal!
We only have 4 days left to reach our $10,000 fundraising goal! We need $10,000 to continue to run our ad that we have had such an overwhelmingly positive response to. We are getting close, but not there yet.
Please click here to make a secure online donation and, if you haven't already, you can view the ad at I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your support!
Please click here to make a secure online donation and, if you haven't already, you can view the ad at I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your support!
Republican Weekly Address
In the Republican Weekly Address, Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) invites fed-up Americans to make their voices heard through America Speaking Out (, a Republican-launched website where people can submit their own plans/solutions for challenges facing our country like out-of-control spending, the lagging job market, and national security. At the forum, the ideas are then discussed, debated, and voted on.
I applaud Congressman Gingrey for his dedication to Americans, and his tireless fight to stop the reckless and out-of-control spending that is bankrupting our nation for generations to come. The administration's current plan has yet to create one true job. As he mentions in the address, the economy has lost nearly 3 million private-sector jobs since February of 2009. In that same time period, the government has grown by 400,000 jobs. The trillion-dollar 'stimulus' has only created bigger government, not more jobs.
I applaud Congressman Gingrey for his dedication to Americans, and his tireless fight to stop the reckless and out-of-control spending that is bankrupting our nation for generations to come. The administration's current plan has yet to create one true job. As he mentions in the address, the economy has lost nearly 3 million private-sector jobs since February of 2009. In that same time period, the government has grown by 400,000 jobs. The trillion-dollar 'stimulus' has only created bigger government, not more jobs.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Serious Questions for Carolyn McCarthy Regarding Israel
I was contacted recently by one of my supporters in District 4 who had some very serious questions for Carolyn McCarthy regarding her less-than-fervent support of Israel, one of our country's greatest allies. The following questions were directed to Ms. McCarthy by my supporter and I intend to get Ms. McCarthy to answer them:
1. Do you support a united Jerusalem under Israel Sovereignty? If yes, then why haven't you co-sponsored Congressional Resolution 1191, calling on the administration to finally abide by U.S. law and move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem?
2. Do you support Israel's right of self defense against an attack from Iran's nuclear installations? If yes, why haven't you or any other Democratic Congress person sponsored Congressman Louie Gohmert's bill, calling on the administration to recognize Israel's right of self defense including military force if negotiations fail?
3. Salem Fayad, the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority has stated that if negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians are not completed by August 2011, he will unilaterally declare a Palestinian State. Do you agree with that position? If not, why haven't you sponsored legislation calling for cut off of aid if he follows through?
4. Congressman Peter King has introduced legislation supporting Israel's action in the flotilla incident and requiring that the U.S. withdraw from the UN Human Rights Commission, which is notoriously anti-Semitic. Why haven't you or any other Democratic congress person signed on to this legislation?
1. Do you support a united Jerusalem under Israel Sovereignty? If yes, then why haven't you co-sponsored Congressional Resolution 1191, calling on the administration to finally abide by U.S. law and move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem?
2. Do you support Israel's right of self defense against an attack from Iran's nuclear installations? If yes, why haven't you or any other Democratic Congress person sponsored Congressman Louie Gohmert's bill, calling on the administration to recognize Israel's right of self defense including military force if negotiations fail?
3. Salem Fayad, the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority has stated that if negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians are not completed by August 2011, he will unilaterally declare a Palestinian State. Do you agree with that position? If not, why haven't you sponsored legislation calling for cut off of aid if he follows through?
4. Congressman Peter King has introduced legislation supporting Israel's action in the flotilla incident and requiring that the U.S. withdraw from the UN Human Rights Commission, which is notoriously anti-Semitic. Why haven't you or any other Democratic congress person signed on to this legislation?
Urgent Need
Dear Supporters,
My campaign is gaining momentum and I thank all of you for your support--it is very exciting. However, campaigns are very expensive and I am depending on the generosity of people like you to bring me to victory on Election Day. The spending frenzy in Washington must end. Those that truly create jobs in our country (small businesses) must be given a chance to thrive. I am the man for this job.
We just did our first media buy. It cost $10,000 to run the ad for 10 days. The response to the ad has been overwhelmingly positive and we would love to continue to run the ad for another 10 days. I have an urgent need to raise $10,000 in 7 days. We must reach this goal and we need your help!
Please click here now to make a secure online donation and I thank you for your generosity and continued support.
Fran Becker
My campaign is gaining momentum and I thank all of you for your support--it is very exciting. However, campaigns are very expensive and I am depending on the generosity of people like you to bring me to victory on Election Day. The spending frenzy in Washington must end. Those that truly create jobs in our country (small businesses) must be given a chance to thrive. I am the man for this job.
We just did our first media buy. It cost $10,000 to run the ad for 10 days. The response to the ad has been overwhelmingly positive and we would love to continue to run the ad for another 10 days. I have an urgent need to raise $10,000 in 7 days. We must reach this goal and we need your help!
Please click here now to make a secure online donation and I thank you for your generosity and continued support.
Fran Becker
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Loss of a Dear Friend, Ed Sieban
I am crushed to hear of the loss of my dear friend Ed Sieban. Ed was a devoted family man and public servant. Every Sunday I would see him at Mass with his wife and four children. He loved them and they loved him. Please keep Ed and his family in your prayers.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
We're on Cable!
Starting yesterday, my 30 sec spot can be viewed on Fox News Channel! You can also view it here on You Tube.
Today I was at a Press Conference at the Lynbrook Post Office with U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer as he announced that he is going to introduce legislation to have the Lynbrook Post Office named after HM2 Jeffrey L. Weiner, a Lynbrook native who was killed in Iraq in 2005. Jeff was a true American hero and son of Lynbrook. He was a graduate of Lynbrook H.S. and Ex-Captain of Tally-Ho Engine Co. # 3 of the Lynbrook Fire Department. Jeff made the ultimate sacrifice for his country and it is because of brave men like him that we are able to live in freedom today.
As your Congressman I will fight for the rights of our fighting men who fought for our Freedom. They deserve the best treatment that we can possibly give them. They shouldn't come home to high taxes and 10% unemployment. This is simply unacceptable. As the Representative of the 4th Congressional District I will create jobs and Restore the American Dream so that all Americans can enjoy their Freedom!
Starting yesterday, my 30 sec spot can be viewed on Fox News Channel! You can also view it here on You Tube.
Today I was at a Press Conference at the Lynbrook Post Office with U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer as he announced that he is going to introduce legislation to have the Lynbrook Post Office named after HM2 Jeffrey L. Weiner, a Lynbrook native who was killed in Iraq in 2005. Jeff was a true American hero and son of Lynbrook. He was a graduate of Lynbrook H.S. and Ex-Captain of Tally-Ho Engine Co. # 3 of the Lynbrook Fire Department. Jeff made the ultimate sacrifice for his country and it is because of brave men like him that we are able to live in freedom today.
As your Congressman I will fight for the rights of our fighting men who fought for our Freedom. They deserve the best treatment that we can possibly give them. They shouldn't come home to high taxes and 10% unemployment. This is simply unacceptable. As the Representative of the 4th Congressional District I will create jobs and Restore the American Dream so that all Americans can enjoy their Freedom!
The Heat Is On
My family and I had a terrific Independence Day weekend mixing campaigning with celebrating our great Nations' birth. The temperatures where blistering hot and the Becker For Congress campaign is full steam ahead.
I was so pleased Sunday morning to read Rick Brand's article about the NY-4 race in Newsday. If you missed it, you can read it here.
Newsday: Becker to Challenge McCarthy
In the afternoon, I took my four grandkids to Sagamore Hill National Park to see the Nassau-Suffolk Horsemen's Association "Rough Riders" Encampment and Calvary Demonstration. We had our picture taken with President Theodore Roosevelt (portrayed by James Foote). The President seemed 'bully' about my Congressional pursuits.
We also had the great honor and pleasure of meeting the Commanding Officer and some of our fine Sailors from the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt who had been invited by the 'President' to come all the way from Norfolk, VA to be part of the festivities at Sagamore Hill. They were the highlight of the whole day.
Town Supervisor of Oyster Bay John Venditto and his wife Christine were also at the festivities at Sagamore Hill. We met several friends from Lynbrook and Malverne and even a couple that remembered when my grandfather was Congressman.
We are out working hard to help take back the Fourth C.D. but we can not do it alone. We need your help. Please go to my website and sign up to help with our campaign or find us on Facebook Becker for Congress on Facebook
I was so pleased Sunday morning to read Rick Brand's article about the NY-4 race in Newsday. If you missed it, you can read it here.
Newsday: Becker to Challenge McCarthy
In the afternoon, I took my four grandkids to Sagamore Hill National Park to see the Nassau-Suffolk Horsemen's Association "Rough Riders" Encampment and Calvary Demonstration. We had our picture taken with President Theodore Roosevelt (portrayed by James Foote). The President seemed 'bully' about my Congressional pursuits.
We also had the great honor and pleasure of meeting the Commanding Officer and some of our fine Sailors from the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt who had been invited by the 'President' to come all the way from Norfolk, VA to be part of the festivities at Sagamore Hill. They were the highlight of the whole day.
Town Supervisor of Oyster Bay John Venditto and his wife Christine were also at the festivities at Sagamore Hill. We met several friends from Lynbrook and Malverne and even a couple that remembered when my grandfather was Congressman.
We are out working hard to help take back the Fourth C.D. but we can not do it alone. We need your help. Please go to my website and sign up to help with our campaign or find us on Facebook Becker for Congress on Facebook
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Promoting Economic Growth: My Five Point Plan
The most important thing we need to do is CREATE JOBS.We must stop the incompetence in Washington and stop the runaway spending that is bankrupting our country for generations to come.We need to create an environment in which entrepreneurs—the job-creators—can thrive unencumbered by big government.Obama, Pelosi and McCarthy are ignorant to our needs and incompetent at meeting the challenges we face today. They haven’t. They won’t. I CAN. I WILL.
1. REDUCE SPENDING to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing.This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called “stimulus programs” that create nothing sustainable.
2. CUT TAXES FOR NEW BUSINESSES 2-5 years-old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation’s engine of economic growth.
3.EXTEND TAX CUTS SET TO EXPIRE DECEMBER 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. REPEAL OBAMACARE TAX INCREASES on insurance companies, businesses and individuals. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new hire.
5.FREE US FROM FOREIGN ENERGY DEPENDENCE by adopting an “all of the above” energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
I am a Certified Financial Planner, a business owner, and an employer. I have the background, experience, and qualifications to get the job done in Washington.
The most important thing we need to do is CREATE JOBS.We must stop the incompetence in Washington and stop the runaway spending that is bankrupting our country for generations to come.We need to create an environment in which entrepreneurs—the job-creators—can thrive unencumbered by big government.Obama, Pelosi and McCarthy are ignorant to our needs and incompetent at meeting the challenges we face today. They haven’t. They won’t. I CAN. I WILL.
1. REDUCE SPENDING to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing.This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called “stimulus programs” that create nothing sustainable.
2. CUT TAXES FOR NEW BUSINESSES 2-5 years-old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit equal to the FICA tax on the first $50,000 of wages for all non-owner employees. This creates additional capital for survival, growth and expansion, fueling the nation’s engine of economic growth.
3.EXTEND TAX CUTS SET TO EXPIRE DECEMBER 31, 2010 to keep the tax burden on our economy from increasing in this time of recession. If Congress fails to extend these cuts, we will face the largest tax increase in history.
4. REPEAL OBAMACARE TAX INCREASES on insurance companies, businesses and individuals. Businesses will not hire new employees if forced to pay additional taxes on each new hire.
5.FREE US FROM FOREIGN ENERGY DEPENDENCE by adopting an “all of the above” energy policy. By increasing our production of domestic energy sources, we will create productive jobs that will stimulate other sectors of our economy.
I am a Certified Financial Planner, a business owner, and an employer. I have the background, experience, and qualifications to get the job done in Washington.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Rep. Frank J. Becker Scholarship Winner

I would like to officially announce the 2010 Frank J. Becker scholarship winner, Mary Beth Lyons! Mary Beth is a recent Graduate of Lynbrook H.S. and will be attending Lehigh University in the Fall. The scholarship was started upon my Grandfathers' retirement from the United States House of Representatives. Since its inception dozens of H.S. Grads from the 4th Congressional district have benefited from this scholarship and have been able to pay for school. Frank J.Becker was a self-made man who started a successful business during the depression, which still survives today, and served his community as an Assemblyman and Congressman. He was a man of strong values, virtues and morals. He believed in the American Dream and lived it every day. This scholarship was created in his tradition of Public Service and is represents his desire to help his community grow and prosper.
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